The Street Fighter franchise has been one of the premier franchises in fighting games. The next installment of the series, Street Fighter V, was shown off at the PlayStation Experience this month. It appears that there was some confusion as to whether or not the game would be a “free-to-play” game, and Producer Yoshinori Ono wanted to clarify. He said that the game will be available in a package/physical form and will NOT be a free-to-play game.
From what was shown off of Street Fighter V, it looks like the game mechanics/graphics will be a cross between modern console graphics and the 3D graphics of the Nintendo 3DS version. Quick combo moves and special attacks are key components of the Street Fighter games. For those who don’t remember, the Street Fighter franchise is now a PS4 exclusive property, so fans of the series will have to grab a PS4 to play Street Fighter V and future Street Fighter games!
Published: Dec 14, 2014 1:37 PM UTC