Almost all major game and movie releases use classical scores to build emotion, convey story and engage their audience.
Music teacher, classical music player, and Kickstarter project leader Matt Parry talks about the impact that arts funding cuts could have on the entertainment that gamers and movie goers hold dear.
A World Without Music
In a world where children aren’t exposed to classical music at a young age, encouraged and enabled to learn how to play instruments, and generally supported with arts education, many of the entertainments we enjoy will suffer. Not now, and not today. But imagine the impact 20 years from now if arts education wasn’t readily available.
Most musical scores could be digital. Nothing wrong with some good techno, but lacking the soul of a live performance, scores will start to sound a little flat.
No more live performances. Been to a Video Games Live concert lately? Yeah, kiss those goodbye.
What We Can Do
Not on board with cutting art funding? Talk to your local representatives and let them know art in school is important.
If you’re a parent, and you’re concerned that your child isn’t being exposed to arts in school, there are lots of options.
After School Programs and Camps
Little League isn’t the end-all of after school programming. Many communities have resources for music lessons, drama productions and other programs to help kids learn new skills. Your local community center, music store and crafts center are good places to check for group lessons or private tutors.
Arts at Home
Can’t find a program that fits your needs or budget? Teach your kids about classical music at home, pick up some paints, grab a playbook and turn the living room into a stage. Making art a fun family activity turns a learning experience into a bonding experience.
Practice, play, paint or perform, what you preach
So you think the arts are important, and want your kids to enjoy them as much as you do? Show them! Many parents who enjoy the arts give them up when a busy family life intervenes, but make time for it and your family will see that it’s important. Draw, perform music, sing in the car, and generally let your kids observe and join in. Demonstrating the value of art as a parent will have a huge impact.
Any other ideas about keeping arts relevant, or sharing that passion with your family? We’d love to hear them!
For more from Matt, check out:
- Sheherazade: A Kickstarter About Getting Kids into Classical Music
- Why Games are so Good for Learning
Published: Mar 19, 2013 5:07 PM UTC