More Battle Stars are up for grabs if you can figure out the location found between a vehicle tower, rock sculpture, and circle of hedges in Fortnite Battle Royale!

Fortnite: Where to Search Between Vehicle Towers

More Battle Stars are up for grabs if you can figure out the location found between a vehicle tower, rock sculpture, and circle of hedges in Fortnite Battle Royale!
This article is over 6 years old and may contain outdated information

Didn’t manage to get your hands on a Fortnite Mobile friend code yet? Yeah, me neither, but that’s alright because plenty of people are still logging into the 100 player death matches on PC, Xbox, and PS4.

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As Season 3 grinds on, there are now seven new weekly challenges available for the Battle Pass crowd, including the usual mix of dealing damage in certain ways, getting kills in specific locations, and of course, finding hidden spots that test your knowledge of the map.

These new weekly challenges are now ongoing for Season 3, Week 4 of Fortnite Battle Royale:

  • Deal 500 damage with a sniper rifle to opponents (5 Battle Stars)
  • Search 7 chests in Flush Factory (5 Battle Stars)
  • Search 3 supply drops (5 Battle Stars)
  • Visit 5 different ice cream trucks (5 Battle Stars)
  • Hard challenge: search between a vehicle tower, rock sculpture, and a circle of hedges (10 Battle Stars)
  • Hard challenge: complete 1 trap elimination (10 Battle Stars)
  • Hard challenge: eliminate 3 opponents in Tomato Town (10 Battle Stars)

As usual, you only need to do four of the challenges each week instead of all seven. Below we explain exactly where to go to nab that first hard challenge (it’s actually pretty easy) of finding a secret Battle Star treasure nestled between three unnamed landmarks.

collecting a battle star while halfway submerged in Fortnite Grabbing the hidden Battle Star treasure in Fortnite Week 4 (thanks to DooM Clan for the screenshot)

Vehicle Tower, Rock Sculpture, Circle Of Hedges Treasure Location

This week’s hidden Battle Star treasure is actually found in a pond, and it won’t be visible from a distance (although the landmarks will be). It doesn’t wink into existence until you walk very close to its spawn location, so jump around in the water if you don’t see it appear at first.

To get to this location, jump off the Battle Bus at the southwest corner of the map if possible so you don’t have to spend the whole match running to the other side. This one is at the far southwest corner of the Battle Royale map, so if you don’t land fairly close right at the beginning of the match, it’s a good bet the storm will have covered the location before you can get there.

That’s bad because it means you may have to play multiple matches to finish this challenge without getting killed by the storm, but it’s also good because there will probably be fewer well-equipped snipers there waiting to kill you (maybe).

The exact coordinates are at the edge of grid H9, at the southwestern end of Moisty Mire. You will be able to see the edge of the map from the pond where the Battle Star spawns, and the rock sculpture will be to your north on a hill.

There’s also more than one watery area here, so you may have to walk around a bit. You are looking for the pond near a shack with a tree on the water’s edge. The specific Battle Star location is also marked on the map below. As with the other challenges, remember you have to finish the match or it won’t register as completed.

Fortnite map displaying the location of the battle star for week 4 Fortnite Vehicle Tower – Rock Sculpture – Circle Of Hedges Search Location

There you have it — one “hard” challenge done in just a few seconds of searching around Moisty Mire’s ponds. Sure hope you didn’t get sniped by the guy lying in wait at the rock sculpture trying to get an easy kill!

Need help completing any other Fortnite Season 3 content? Check out our other latest Fortnite guides below, and stay tuned for more Week 4 guides coming soon!

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Image of Ty Arthur
Ty Arthur
Ty splits his time between writing horror fiction and writing about video games. After 25 years of gaming, Ty can firmly say that gaming peaked with Planescape Torment, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a soft spot for games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout: New Vegas, Bioshock Infinite, and Horizon: Zero Dawn. He has previously written for GamerU and MetalUnderground. He also writes for PortalMonkey covering gaming laptops and peripherals.