The Resident Evil 4 remake was released less than a month ago and a free update adding The Mercenaries mode dropped on April 7. Although there’s plenty to enjoy with the current offering, it seems highly likely that we’ll see more DLC in the future. From weapons and characters to entire storylines and bosses, this is what we want added to the RE4 remake.
It’s worth pointing out that Capcom hasn’t confirmed this. Aside from some memorable missing content and a few scenes implying we could see more, the best proof comes from datamined files. We’ll be taking that into consideration, of course, but we really want to talk about what fun surprises we might see from DLC content. Spoilers inbound.
Mercenaries Mode Content DLC
Admittedly, ideas for what we could see from future content in The Mercenaries is pretty cut and dry thanks to some of the RE4 information that’s been datamined so far. Not only is it expected to include the sorely missed Ada and Wesker, but we could also see Leon and Ada with alternate costumes and different loadouts.
Going all out with more characters would be a welcome sight, too. If we can finally have Luis as a playable character, why can’t we get Ashley? She could have low health balanced with a reworked version of the P.R.L. 412 weapon. We have the Handcannon and other bonus weapons, but the P.R.L. 412 is the only one missing from the remake. It’d be great to see it return in any capacity.
While we’re on the topic of crazy ideas, someone needs to vouch for Mike. Everyone’s favorite helicopter pilot had more time to shine in the remake and he certainly deserves even more. His Mayhem Mode ability could even be helicopter fire, similar to what he provides for Leon in Chapter 15. The Mercenaries is at its best when it’s wacky, after all.
The Docks area from Chapter 13 is also set to be released as an additional stage. Since the original version of the minigame featured a unique docks-like stage in the middle of the ocean, this could be an inspired take.
Doubling the number of character choices and adding a fourth stage does round everything out quite nicely. Who doesn’t want more, though?
- The Valley area in the Village has so many crisscrossing pathways and levels that would be perfect for The Mercenaries DLC.
- The Courtyard maze from the Castle would be a fun addition as well, especially with some more openings.
- As over-the-top as it was, a reimagining of the Dragon Room from the original title could also make for an especially hectic stage.
Separate Ways Ada DLC
This is the content that everyone is looking forward to. Separate Ways, also known as The Another Order in Japan, is the name for a separate campaign following Ada during the events of Resident Evil 4. Aside from a folder named after the DLC being within the game, there are a handful of scenes hinting at her bigger role in the story and even a cheeky Separate Ways name-drop by Leon. This DLC is entirely expected.
We likely have a pretty good idea of what to expect, but let’s walk through it. The remake already has a cutscene between Ada and Luis, as well as a hint of the fight between her and Saddler, so it should at least follow some similar beats. What’s more fun is talking about what could be different.
A popular theory is that we might see the return of the memorable U-3 boss. As divisive as the boss has been among fans, its absence was one of the most notable changes in the main story of RE4 remake. The monster is technically in the remake, though, and there’s good reason to believe it could be a boss in a Separate Ways DLC.
U-3 was initially a challenging boss that you encounter between Krauser fights. In this remake, however, it’s been integrated more into the story. “U-III” is now the codename for the Verdugo that accompany Ramon Salazar — or at least the black-cloaked one.
The original boss fight against Salazar saw him fusing with both this particular Verdugo and the Queen Plaga. Aside from the changes made to the fight itself, it also omits the Verdugo participation. Considering that we don’t see what happens to this monster and that it’s now been tied to the U-III name, this would be the perfect boss for Ada’s campaign.
We certainly wouldn’t mind Ada’s story featuring some other seemingly cut pieces of content, either. Separate Ways had some unique elements for sure, although it also reused plenty from the main story. This time around, Capcom could help it stand out more by giving Ada some of the sillier iconic scenes, such as:
- The laser hallway
- The previously mentioned Dragon Room
- A falling spike ceiling
- A large wooden drill machine
Deviating briefly from stuff we want to see, we wouldn’t miss the Krauser boss fight for Ada. Krauser had his story changed around a bit and there doesn’t seem to be as much of a connection between the two anymore. Not to mention, his final scene with Leon after the lengthy Krauser boss fight was pretty impactful. Bringing him back for a final battle would take away from that moment.
Operation Javier DLC
Speaking of Krauser, one must wonder if we could see the mission Leon and Krauser went on together. The history between the two was always mysterious until we played them in Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, where they both participated in Operation Javier. Their mission involved plenty of B.O.W.s, the start of Krauser’s obsession for power, and in the original canon was their first job together.
We know things are different in the remake’s canon. Both have far more history together, and their operation involved other soldiers, although Krauser is listed as the only known survivor. The acknowledgment of the event would have been nice enough, but the implied changes to it, as well as Krauser himself, bring up more questions, if anything.
Releasing a DLC about this would certainly be ambitious since there are no enemies or settings to reuse. With changes already being made to the story, it wouldn’t be out of the question for Capcom to change some things here and there to make development easier though. It’s unlikely, but there’s no harm in hoping, right?
That covers our hopes for future Resident Evil 4 DLC. More content seems like a given, and we’re all eagerly awaiting any announcements. What do you hope makes the cut?
Featured image by GameSkinny.
Published: Apr 10, 2023 9:39 PM UTC