WoW 5.4 PTR: Proving Grounds

5.4 Will give you the chance to try out a new Role without the unnecessary "Noob!!" comments in Raid Finder.
This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

Blizzard’s recent blog post regarding the new feature set to come in 5.4 has got this sick-of-healing-Priest very happy. The current patch in the PTR – 5.4: Proving Grounds, allows you the opportunity to try out a new role in a safe 1 player scenario like encounter.

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Set in Kun-Lai Summit, travel to the Temple of the White Tiger to begin your new adventure. Your gear will be scaled down, ensuring you rely on building your skills not relying on gear. Then go ahead and chose the role you want to learn, and away you go.

Faced with different mechanics you can pretend you are in a real dungeon or raid, having to follow similar procedures; dispelling, interrupting etc.

Like the Dungeon Challenges there are four different modes available, Bronze, Silver, Gold and the ominously named Endless.

To progress through the modes you must have completed the previous one (initially Bronze). Once you have completed the intermediary levels you can progress to Endless. Endless is a survival timer based experience, stay alive for as long as possible, the longer you stay up the higher your score. Bragging rights aplenty for those who can endure the longest!

Inside there will be the usual vendors, repairs, reforging, but you likely won’t need them. No durability damage will be taken, and potions are excluded from use (flasks and food are allowed however). 

So next time your guild begs you to switch from shadow to holy or retribution to protection in order for the night’s raid to go ahead, you won’t be flailing about like a headless Deathwing. 

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Image of Jeni Harrison
Jeni Harrison
English, Priesty Heals, Geek Chic Original, Nerd.