Join the Lunar Revel

Lunar Revel is here once again, bringing with it new summoner icons to earn, the return of gifting, free festive ward skins, and new skins for Annie, Jarvan, Corki, Xin Zhao, and Cassiopeia.
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It’s time for Lunar Revel once again in the League of Legends, and this year we’ve got even more goodies to take note of than in previous years.  

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Let’s start with what we actually expect with Lunar Revel: festive skins for champions.  This year we have five champions getting skins as part of the event.  Annie gets her Panda Annie skin, giving Mr. Tibbers a makeover.  Corki gets Dragonwing Corki, complete with hextech fireworks on his new ride.  Jade Fang Cassiopeia gives the serpentine Noxian a new look to terrorize mid lane with.

Finally, both Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao get new Warring Kingdoms skins based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, with Xin Zhao getting into the spirit in his Zhao Yun-inspired attire and Jarvan standing proud and tall in his best Lu Bu impersonation.  It’s a good impersonation.

The Shop

The shop in the League of Legends game client has also gotten an always-welcome addition for the Lunar Revel.  We find ourselves graced with the return of gifting, once more able to send gifts of RP, champions, and skins to our friends through the client.  After the way gifting was handled over the Snowdown Showdown, it’s safe to assume that the feature will be disabled once again when the revel is over, so get your gifting done while you can!

Wards and icons and contests, oh my!

This year’s Luanr Revel also brings with it several other fun additions we’ve not had in previous revels.  While we’ve had an art contest before, this year we have a paper art contest, not drawn but folded.

We also have new ward skins to use during the festivities.  This time they’re free, so head to the store to activate them and throw revel banners or paper lanterns around the map for the vision.

As we had back during the Snowdown, we also have new summoner icons to earn.  We have an icon each for gifting RP or a champion/skin to someone, a separate icon for gifting a Lunar Revel skin, an icon for playing a premade 5v5 game, and a final icon earned by unlocking all four other icons.

League of Legends is celebrating the season and giving all kinds of ways for us to do the same.  Game on, summoners.

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Image of Wokendreamer
Writer, gamer, and generally hopeful beneath a veneer of cynicism.