The real key to surviving and thriving in New Eden is staying informed. The EVE-O forums are littered with tales of uninformed players who have been upset by their game experience because they tried to apply a gaming philosophy ill-suited to EVE Online.
No one player is an army. The best EVE pilot in the universe cannot win an engagement against a superior force. But with some guile and know-how, he can survive and come back later with better odds.
There are ten years of guides, blogs and video tutorials out there to be discovered. Players past and present have shared their experiences and continue to do so. As the EVE Universe evolves, so too does the way it is played and the way it is documented.
As such, a definitive list of guides is nigh-on impossible to put together, but here are a few pointers to get you started:
Wikis and Knowledge Bases
- The EVElopedia – The official repository for all EVE information, maintained by CCP staff and an army of well-informed volunteers.
- The UniWiki – EVE University is an well-established player organisation which has recorded a vast amount of player experience and knowledge relating to all aspects of EVE gameplay and made it available to all (read more about EVE University here).
- Agony Empire Wiki – A PvP-specific knowledge-base curated by a renowned player teaching organisation.
- The GoonWiki – Despite marketing themselves as being out to “ruin your game”, Goonswarm is one of the most effective and successful player organisations in EVE and are supportive of rookie players. If organised anarchy is your thing, these folks know their stuff.
The EVE Blogging Community
The EVE Bloggersphere – With over 700 independent blogs past and present, there are thousands of insightful articles and guides to be found.
- – The latest articles from currently active blogs can be found on EVE-Bloggers, which serves as a one-stop shop for the random and eclectic thoughts of the capsuleer blogging community.
Some recommended EVE Guides by bloggers:
- Azual Skoll is a respected PvPer and has written many articles and guides on his blog, The Altruist.
- Ripard Teg of Jester’s Trek covers Incursions, Level 4 Missions, Implants and Clones and much more.
- Susan Black aka @Gamerchick42 has some excellent guides to Factional Warfare and this helpful cheatsheet page.
- Mark726 of EVE Travel has written a fantastic lore guide aimed at giving a gentle introduction to the prime fiction of EVE Online.
- Blake Armitage of K162 Space has the spreadsheet aspect covered with his exhaustive coverage of trading and industry.
- Tiger Ears writes the most comprehensive and frequently updated wormhole blog in the EVE-iverse. I doubt there is anything she doesn’t know about wormholes as evidenced by her selection of wormhole survival guides.
News Sites and Communities
Keeping abreast of current affairs is also of critical importance. There are many, many sources of information in the darkest corners of the internet and the canny EVE player soon develops an eye for such places. But to get you started, here’s a list of primary sources:
- EVE-O – The official EVE Online forums.
- – A mainly EVE-focused gaming news site with contributors from across the EVE community.
- EVE News 24 – The original player-run dedicated EVE news site.
- EVE Sub-Reddit – Information, discussion and gateway community to TEST Alliance Please Ignore.
- Failheap Challenge – An EVE forum community with a good repository of ship fits.
- Kugutsumen – Infamous anti-establishment EVE community.
- Something Awful – Gateway community to Goonswarm. Enter at your own risk.
- Backstage – Roleplaying community forum.
- Red vs. Blue – a popular combat-focused community suited to casual, new and veteran players alike (read more about RvB here).
Next: Four Must Have EVE Online Resources for Rookie Players
First Steps in EVE Online Series Contents
- Introduction
- Finding a Purpose
- The EVE Philosophy
- Understanding Your Environment
- A Guide to Guides
- Four Must Have EVE Online Resources for Rookie Players
Published: May 20, 2013 1:44 PM UTC