Gnar may be one of the most difficult champions to learn how to play in League of Legends, but that hasn't stopped people from loving him. In fact, many ignore Gnar as a playable champion, and simply focus on his adorable features and cuddly exterior. It's hard not to love the little guy.
So if you love Gnar as much as we do, here's some excellent fan art of the "missing-link." From explaining his origins or just showing Gnar in his free time, this fan art and cosplay will give you all the warm fuzzies you need from your friendly neighborhood Gnar.

For the purpose of this slideshow cosplay counts as fan art, and this girl is good! Illisia, from Illisia Cosplay and Photography has dressed as other champions from League of Legends in the past, but I love that this image gives her a chance to let down her hair and get goofy.
There are more pictures from this photo shoot on her facebook page, you might want to check out the link below.
Cosplay by: Illisia Cosplay and Photography
Photography by: Vrael Cosplay

Gnar is so hip, no only can he pull off a dino costume, but he also knows how to maximize his cuteness with selfies and Lulu.
The purple of her hair and his suit make the picture pop with color, which just leaves me wonder, what does purpose taste like?
Source: G21MM deviantArt

Here's a minimalist portrait of Gnar, complete with earbuds and iPod. He might be the missing link, but Gnar can still enjoy modern technology. He's not a caveman!
Source: Quiet-Lamp devianArt

All the League of Legends cuties are pretty into the champ. There are several other champions drawn from animals, but none as cute and cuddly as Gnar. For Gnar's sake, I hope that Tibber's doesn't get jealous.
For Annie's sake, I hope that Gnar doesn't get angry. After all, he's a bit like a mogwai (from Gremlins, yeh I went there). He can get big and dangerous if not taken care of properly.
Who do you think would win in a fight: Gnar or Tibbers?
Source: NoemiSparkle deviantArt

In this picture from deviantArt's holyelfgirl, we get a League of Legends/Lilo and Sitch mash-up. This is the first time I've seen a champion paired with a disney character, and now I want to see more.
Stitch could take Gnar's place in the League for a little while, right? Except then we wouldn't be able to play with Gnar. So, ultimately this scenario is a no-go for me.

Let's face it: all the ladies want a piece of Gnar. Right now I'm fighting the urge to visit my local pet store and see if they've got any large-eared orange cats laying around.
Unlike Annie, Lulu might actually be able to handle Gnar when he gets...bigger. Her transmogrifying powers could teach him some impulse control, and her little fairy companion might make a good babysitter. This pair has my seal of approval!
Source: Yraell deviantArt

See what I mean about not always being cute and cuddly? While most fan art I found focused on the less menacing aspect of Gnar, his monster version needs some love too. I've also now decided that Tibbers wouldn't stand a chance.
Does anyone else out there want to yell "Digivolve!" when Gnar transforms? No, that's just me? Gosh. Kids these days don't watch enough late '90s television.
Source: Hanjidile deviantArt

As fierce as Gnar looks in this piece by deviantArt's Celopius, he keeps reminding me of Ludo from Labyrinth. Like, at any moment I'm excepting young Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie to make an appearance.
As ferocious as Gnar looks in this picture, his passing resemblance to Ludo just makes me want to hug him. I should never listen to these instincts.

People often wonder how League of Legends creators come up with new characters. After all, there are over one hundred and twenty champions currently in the game, and the number keeps growing!
In this image, we can see how one person imagined Gnar's conception. While this is probably not what happened (and it's just a mash-up of other people's art) it's still fun to think about!
Source: League Meme

I've never understood the point of Poro's on ARAM....until now. Imagine if every Poro was just a mini-Gnar biding its time until it gets big and devours you.
I initially thought Poro's were just cute little creatures to feed for no reason, now I'm convinced that they're ARAM enforcers...just waiting for you to get out of line so they can demonstrate their true power. Unless you happen to have a treat on you?
Source: thedirtytomato deviantArt

I really enjoy this sketch done by lewrenn on Tumblr. Most Gnar art tends to focus on one of his aspects or the other, but it's nice to see both in this portrait. You can't have big scary Gnar without the little cute guy,
So there you have it, eleven great renderings of our new favorite champion, and hopefully even more to come in the future.
If this hasn't satisfied your urge for awesome images of League of Legends, might I humble suggest you try looking at 20 Incredible League of Legends Cosplays?
Published: Aug 29, 2014 12:38 PM UTC