Red Dead Redemption 2 has quickly proven to be one of the finest games Rockstar has ever released. It has a complex story, amazingly realistic gameplay mechanics, excellent writing, and of course, a ton of exciting Easter eggs.
In this guide to RDR 2 Easter eggs, you will not only find references to some of your favorite characters from the first Red Dead Redemption and other popular media, but also a few completely surprising facts from history and beyond.
It's going to be a real ride, so unhitch your trusty steed and let's ride into the sunset.
Bigfoot Easter Egg
The Red Dead Redemption 2 map is loaded with unique vistas, sprawling forests, and towering mountain ranges. Some are stunning, while others are a tad bit creepy (Stillwater Creek, anyone?). If you travel to Big Valley located in West Elizabeth, you'll find one of the game's more unsettling Easter eggs.
Located on Mount Shann, which is one of the most mysterious locations in RDR2, you'll find a creature that cryptozoologists have been chasing for years: Bigfoot.
Known for strange signs on the rocks and other unusual stories surrounding it, it's no wonder that a giant Bigfoot skeleton can be found on Mount Shann.
When you approach the skeleton, you will find a short message saying that it might not even be the Bigfoot, but a man with unusually large proportions.
Yeah ... sure.
UFO Easter Egg
Rockstar loves putting UFO references into their games, and Red Dead Redemption 2 is no exception. To find this Easter egg, you first need to find Hani Methel's house, which is located north of Heartland Overflow in New Hanover.
When you arrive at the house, you should find a message on the table, which says that you need to come back at 2 a.m. for "some event" to happen. If you have enough patience and can wait until 2 that time, you will see an alien ship hovering over Hani's house.
It's a short scene but something you will definitely want to show to all your friends -- and a tale to tell around the Van der Linde campfire.
Giant Snake Easter Egg
Snakes can give you a lot of trouble in Red Dead Redemption 2. But encountering a giant snake would be a completely nightmarish scenario, one your horse might soon like to forget.
Fortunately, you will find out that this Easter egg is all show since the snake's already dead. Based on what we know about Rockstar's quirky sense of humor, it's safe to say this Easter egg was put in for scares, and not much else. But in any case, a giant snake is a sight to behold.
You can find it by traveling to Lemoyne region in the forest south of Pleasance. It will be hanging from a tree at the edge of the forest.
Ku Klux Klan Easter Egg
Rockstar is also (in)famous for putting rather scandalous references in their games. One such Easter eggs in Red Dead Redemption 2 comes in the form of the understatedly nefarious Ku Klux Klan.
You can witness the meeting by traveling to Hill Haven Ranch at night. The ranch is located east of Scarlett Meadows at Lemoyne region. The best part about this Easter egg is that you can interact with the Klan, killing them all.
Ghost Lady Easter Egg
In the same area as the last Easter egg (Hill Haven Ranch), you can find another creepy event unfolding. This time, however, you'll find a ghost lady haunting the swamps.
She appears and disappears randomly, but she can be found mostly at night. So if you want to meet her and hear her story (yep, she speaks), then come to the marsh after sunset.
You will hear her talking to either her lover or husband. She just keeps repeating the same phrase: "I always loved you. She never loved you... she never did."
That's something right out of a gothic horror novel.
Manbearpig Easter Egg
If you're a fan of South Park, then you'll know what the mutant creature monster found in Red Dead Redemption 2 refers to.
To find it, you first need to travel to the eastern border of New Hanover.
Once there, stop at the house across from the Van Horn trading post. Inside the house, you will see a mutant creature chained to the wall. It has the body of a human, the head of the pig, and arms of the bear.
This is a slightly darker reference to Manbearpig from South Park's episode 6 of season 10, in which Al Gore tries to warn children about this monster, which is an allegory for a global warming.
Hobbit Easter Egg
Now that we've got the creepier Easter eggs out of the way, here's a fun one that's a real precious (ahem) find.
Referencing The Lord of the Rings, this Red Dead Redemption Hobbit-hole can be found in Ambarino, northeast of Fort Wallace.
Basically, a hole dug in the hillside with a front door and maybe a window or two, this structure would make even Bilbo proud.
unfortunately, you can't enter the house through the door or any other opening. Clearly, Rockstar just dropped this Easter egg in RDR 2 for fun.
Bonnie MacFarlane Easter Egg
Here's an Easter egg for those who've played and love the first Red Dead Redemption. Bonnie MacFarlane was one of the main characters back then, and she's referenced in RDR 2 in this short scene.
You can find this Easter egg by traveling to the western border of New Hanover. Locate Flatneck Station in The Heartlands and go south from there until you reach the river.
There, you will see a dying, love-sick man who asks you to give a letter to Bonnie MacFarlane.
Crashed Airship Easter Egg
This historical Red Dead Redemption 2 Easter egg can be seen in the northern part of West Elizabeth, west of Little Creek river.
When you get there, look up on the hill and you'll find a crashed glider -- one of the very first flying machines created by Jean Marie Le Bris. Unfortunately, most of these experimental flights were completely disastrous, and many men died trying to fly them.
This Easter egg shows exactly why these machines were unreliable with their fragile wings and unsafe cabins.
Meteorite Easter Egg
Well, this Red Dead Redemption 2 Easter egg is rather ... gross.
If you manage to get to Roanoke Valley in northeast New Hanover, then you will find a house full of burned bodies.
It turns out the house was struck by a meteorite that killed every person inside. You can even see the hole in the roof and the floor.
The piece of meteorite can be picked up as an item. Later, you will be able to sell it, for it's worth.
Undead Nightmare Easter Egg
Last but definitely not least, this Red Dead Redemption 2 Easter egg references one of Red Dead Redemption's most popular DLCs: Undead Nightmare.
To find the mask, go to the southeastern part of Lemoyne, near Saint Denis. There, you'll find a souvenir shop with some really cool items.
On the shelf behind the seller you will see a green mask, which looks exactly like the mask from the end of Undead Nightmare expansion.
These were the 11 best Easter eggs in RDR2, and for other Red Dead Redemption 2 guides at GameSkinny, check out the links below:
Published: Nov 1, 2018 3:14 PM UTC