It wasn't even official release day when we started seeing the first photos sweeping across the internet of epic Overwatch cosplay. Drama soon followed, of course. The rabid "Mei is Bae" mentality has dogged every girl who's attempted donning the blues, desperate to point out all things that they've done wrong, or just for attention.
Screw 'em. Sometimes we do this just for fun, and if you're not skilled at the sewing machine, that's okay. This list is for those of you hunting for geeky casual wear, just want something to jazz up a geeky pool party, and/or gunning to represent at your next geek convention - here are a bunch of ideas on how to do just that! (But if you need ideas for beginner cosplays, we've got those too.)
(Source: cosplay by Bloodraven & photo by The Will Box)

Tracer Leggings
Options are a lot more limited when it comes to accurate-looking Tracer leggings than you might think.
For whatever reason, they're one of the first items on the hit list of Blizzard lawyers for takedowns on Etsy and RedBubble, so it's impressive to still see this pair ($59.99) up for sale on Etsy... Of course, they're marketed as "SuperSonic leggings" and don't come right out and tell you they've got anything to do with Overwatch, just like this D.Va pair is "Devangelion Usagi".
Best to snag 'em now if you don't think they're going to be able to stick around for long!

D.Va Zentai Suit
Want something comfy either to strut your stuff in or just to lounge around the house playing games in? Zentai Zone delivers in this D.Va spandex zentai suit that you can have tailored to your exact measurements. The site also offers a number of upgrades including detachable gloves and a crotch zipper (much, much handier for conventions than you'd think!).
Most of us just don't fit into the standard overseas sizes Asian wholesalers tend to stock -- and even if you do, any opportunity to make a suit fit you to a T, (down to the wrists and elbows!) is always a win.

Genji, Widowmaker, & D.Va Zentai Suit Patterns
If you're not keen on repping D.Va (and hey, if you're a guy, sometimes that just makes sense!), you've still got other options going for you -- but alas, they're definitely going to ramp up in terms of cost.
Gun Head Design offers a number of different suit patterns, including Genji ($45), Widowmaker ($65), and D.Va ($65) but unfortunately does not sell the suits themselves. You can, however, take that pattern off to another site like Zentai Zentai to print and sew up for you. This starts at $50, but ramps up depending on what kind of customizing you decide to shoot for. (And guys, when it comes to zentai suits, you can never go wrong with a dance belt.)

Tracer, D.Va, & Widowmaker Leggings
Nowhere really special to be, but just want to wear your inner geek on your sleeve (or a little lower, in this particular case)?
Not to fear, you can still rock the yellow and orange with these Tracer-inspired workout leggings in compression fit performance fabric. (There's also her alternate sport costume version.)
Bonus, these don't come in those weird Asian wholesale sizes that call you "5XL Men's" if you're a size 12 or so, and allow for a decent (if not comprehensive) variety of sizes.
You can get these for $55. And if Tracer isn't your girl, you can always snag some sweet-looking leggings for D.Va and Widowmaker as well.

Genji Shuriken
Sometimes it's the little things that matter the most, and Genji just isn't Genji without occasionally popping up to chink away at your health bars with his (apparently inexhaustible wealth) of throwing stars.
If you're dead set on picking up a Genji suit, complete the look with these dead-on Genji shuriken ($5.76) from Etsy seller SolidCraftsInc, measuring 3.54 x 3.94 inches and made of plastic PLA.
D.Va Pistol Pattern
While on the subject of props, you don't need to get too fancy in order to make up some of your own. It'll take more time and effort than plunking down your money, for sure, but it doesn't have to be as pricey as you'd think.
The above video shows a time lapse of patterning D.Va's pistol for laser cutting in Adobe Illustrator. You don't necessarily need this or to use a laser cutter yourself, but a lot can be accomplished by patterning a 3D object in cardboard and making the real thing with foam board and an X-Acto knife.
Or if you've got your hands on a 3D printer, you can check out this 3D model ($20) by Etsy seller PoseidonProps for her pistol instead.

Tracer Pistol
More weapons!
EVA foam is godly when it comes to making lightweight, largely inexpensive props, and this one is no different. Etsy seller ReboopsGoods has the above Tracer pistol (one) on the market for $40 but it does not hurt your case to try your hand at making your own (or a set!) for less to pair up with whatever else you're rocking.
It does especially well with items that have a mostly solid shape (no flimsy details) so the material also makes a good base for nearly any weapon in the game, and you can layer onto it for finer details. Those of us who can't do much with fabric often find it easier to hold our own with prop-making.

D.Va & Tracer Patches
Want to go the other way and keep things extra casual? That works too! Dress up a plain swimsuit with one of these cute patches for a cute twist at a pool party. And let's not limit ourselves, because there's also backpacks to consider, and shirts, and book covers...
You can find both designs for D.Va ($10) and Tracer ($10) up for sale by Etsy seller SugarSews.
These come with iron-on backing, but you can always request that the seller leave them off if you want to test your hand-sewing skills.

Reaper Mask
There are several options you can go for when it comes to Reaper, but the first thing you see when you look at him is his mask - so we'd better start there. The one seen above is a raw cast of the Reaper mask ($60) (that is, missing all the extra color and tarnish that you'd ideally want to add for a more realistic/weathered look), but which beats buying something like this finished version ($162 CDN) all hollow for the price. (Not least because Cosplay Fu has been tossing up listings for custom Overwatch costumes left, right, and center with nothing more but official Blizzard art as their listing image).
For those of you who are lucky enough to have their own 3D printers, seller SkidsProps on Etsy is selling the 3D render for both Reaper's mask ($15) and his gloves ($15).

Soldier 76 Jacket
Is grizzled and jaded more your cup of tea? Soldier 76 likes to think he can go it alone, but you certainly don't have to. And this eye-catching Soldier 76 jacket ($68) is pretty much guaranteed to draw a crowd.
This one does look like a stock wholesaler image though, and a quick search through Ali Express pretty much confirms that suspicion, as various sellers are selling it at (slightly different) prices. But this one is priced low enough that it might be worth the risk of a few unwieldy seams and awkward sizing.

Mei Costume Jacket
Uh oh, now we're getting into the pricey stuff! This particular shop at least has a few samples of what the final product is supposed to look like, and that final product looks pretty damn good!
This Mei jacket ($560) is gorgeous and pretty dang accurate - it's unfortunate there aren't any matching leggings to go with it, but for an extra $6 it's possible to customize it to your size.
I always view random cosplay websites with a critical eye; however, especially when they don't offer any reviews. You never know when they're straight up stealing their stock images from some poor unsuspecting cosplayer and whether or not the final product will look anything like it. If you'd rather try your hand at making it yourself, a traditional Mongolian dress ($20) may be your best start in hunting up a good pattern to modify.
This site also offers a really shiny Lycra Widowmaker suit ($380)

Mercy Costume with Boots, Headdress, & Wings
Mercy is my girl, and I love nearly every single costume design she has -- especially her default. Unfortunately, it's also a hell of a costume to make up on your own, and it's nothing I'm ready to attempt at my current level of no skill whatsoever.
For those of you sitting squarely in my boat but with a great deal more disposable income, there's this full Mercy costume (no gun/Caduceus staff) selling for a whopping $1,212 on Ali Express.
This comes customized to your measurements, but plan well in advance since the seller warns that it will take 2-3 months to produce. And that's not even counting the shipping time.

And that's it!
There's a ton of other stuff you can keep an eye out for when putting together your costume, but you definitely don't need my help Googling up a long brown wig or a blonde ponytail, right?
Good luck and happy gaming!
Published: Jun 5, 2016 06:29 pm