Age of Empires 4 adds a few wrinkles to the tried and true ageing up mechanic. Unlike other games in the series, you can advance to the next age in Age of Empires 4 without having to construct a certain number of buildings specific to any era. Instead, you build Landmarks and age up as soon as you have the resources required to do so.
Another change in AoE 4 is that you won’t advance to the next age through the Town Center. In this real-time strategy game, you must select a villager, then click the Advance Age button (Roman numeral) in the top right corner of their actions menu. You can also do this by pressing “T” after selecting a villager. This is true for all civilizations except the Abbasid Dynasty, which we cover below.
This will bring up the Landmarks menu, where you choose between two distinct Landmarks for the next era. Each Landmark has a predetermined reward and/or buff, similar to the Home City Cards and Shipments in Age of Empires 3.
Each Landmark also displays how many resources it requires and the time it will take to erect it. Select the Landmark you want, and build it. Once construction is completed, you will advance to the next age.
All Landmarks in Age of Empires 4
Here is a list of all of the Landmarks in Age of Empires 4, including their designations and in-game descriptions, broken down by civilization and age. Each age requires the same amount of resources and build time.
- Feudal Age
- Resources: 400 food, 200 gold
- Build time: 3m 10s
- Castle Age
- Resources: 1200 food, 600 gold
- Build time: 3m 40s
- Imperial Age
- Resources: 2400 food, 1200 gold
- Build time: 4m 10s
Use the links below to jump to each civilization:
Feudal Age
- Council Hall — Military Landmark
- Produce Longbowmen at 100% speed from the Landmark; contains Longbowmen upgrades
- Abbey of Kings — Religious Landmark
- Heals all nearby friendly units that are out of combat by +4 every 1.5 seconds.
Castle Age
- The White Tower — Defensive Landmark
- Acts as a Keep with all the behaviors, technology, and bonuses.
- King’s Palace — Economic Landmark
- Acts as a Town Center with all the behaviors, technology, units, and bonuses.
Imperial Age
- Berkshire Palace — Defensive Landmark
- Acts as a keep with all the behaviors, technology, and bonuses. Berkshire Palace has 50% greater weapon range and double the number of arrowslits.
- Wynguard Palace — Military Landmark
- Produce the Wynguard Army from with the Landmark. Army includes one each of man-at-arms, spearman, longbowman, knight, and trebuchet.
The Chinese civilization has the unique ability to build any Landmark they didn’t use to advance to the next age once they reach that age.
For example, if you choose to build the Barbican of the Sun to move to the Feudal Age, you’ll also be able to build the Imperial Academy once you reach the Feudal Age.
These Landmarks cost the same amount of resources and require the same building time as all others.
Feudal Age
- Barbican of the Sun — Defensive
- Fires a long-range hand cannon and adds arrowslits while garrisoned. Offers vision into stealth forests.
- Imperial Academy — Economic
- Nearby buildings generate +100% tax gold.
Castle Age
- Imperial Palace — Economic
- Has large sight radius. Activate to view the location of enemy villagers for 10 seconds.
- Astronomical Clocktower — Military
- Acts as a Siege Workshop and produces siege engines with +50% health.
Imperial Age
- Great Wall Gatehouse — Defensive
- Increases health of stone walls and gates by +100%. Nearby troops on walls deal +50% damage.
- Spirit Way — Military
- All buildings can create previously achieved dynasty units. Buildings near this Landmark produce dynasty units at -30% cost.
Feudal Age
- School of Cavalry — Military
- Acts as a Stable. All of your Stables produce units +20% faster.
- Chamber of Commerce — Economic
- Acts as a Market. All traders and trade ships return +30% more resources to any Market or Dock.
Castle Age
- Royal Institute — Military
- Houses all technologies unique to the French. Research is -20% cheaper here and ignores Age requirements.
- Guild Hall — Economic
- Generates and stores resources over time. The more resources stored, the faster they are generated.
Imperial Age
- Red Palace —Defensive
- Acts as a Keep. Features high-damage arbalest emplacements. Each garrisoned unit adds an additional arbalest.
- College of Artillery — Military
- Provides immediate access to produce Royal Artillery, which do +20% more damage.
Holy Roman Empire
Feudal Age
- Meinwerk Palace — Military
- Acts like a Blacksmith. Technology researched here costs -25% less.
- Aachen Chapel — Religious
- Inspires units in a large radius so long as a prelate is garrisoned.
Castle Age
- Burgrave Palace — Military
- Acts as a Barracks that produces infantry 5 at a time.
- Regnitz Cathedral — Religious
- Relics placed within the Regnitz Cathedral generate _200% gold every minute. Holds 3 relics.
Imperial Age
- Palace of Swabia — Economic
- Acts as a Town Center. Produces villagers +75% faster and -75% cheaper. Cost to build this Landmark is reduced by -20%.
- Elzbach Palace — Defensive
- Acts as a Keep with +50% health. All buildings within influence take -33% less damage.
Feudal Age
- Deer Stones — Military
- When setup, Deer Stones provide the Yam speed aura. Upon completion, instantly grants the Yam Network technology.
- The Silver Tree — Economic
- Acts as a Market. Can build traders +50% faster and at a -50% reduced gold cost.
Castle Age
- Kurultai — Military
- When the Khan is nearby, the Kurultai heals all nearby damaged units and provides a +25% damage bonus for 30 seconds.
- Steppe Redoubt — Economic
- Acts as a Ger. Gold dropped off at this Landmark is increased by +50%.
Imperial Age
- Khaganate Palace — Military
- Spawns a cavalry army of horsemen, mangudai, or lancers every 90 seconds.
- The White Stupa — Economic
- Acts as an Ovoo and produces 240 stone per minute without a stone outcropping.
Feudal Age
- The Golden Gate — Economic
- Allows the exchange of resources at a favorable rate. Generates an additional exchange every minute.
- Kremlin —Defensive
- Acts as a Wooden Fortress that comes with arrowslits, castle turret, and castle watch technologies.
Castle Age
- High Trade House — Economic
- Generates gold like a Hunting cabin with the value increased by +200%. Spawns deer every 60 seconds. Villagers can drop off food at this building.
- Abbey of the Trinity — Religious
- Acts as a Monastery. Can produce warrior monks at half the cost contains unique religious technologies.
Imperial Age
- Spasskaya Tower — Defensive
- Acts as a Keep with all weapon emplacements already in place and with increased health.
- High Armory — Military
- Decrease the cost of siege engines in nearby Siege Workshops by -20%. Contains unique siege engine technologies.
Delhi Sultanate
Feudal Age
- Tower of Victory — Military Landmark
- Melee and ranged infantry who move near this Landmark permanently gain about +15% attack speed.
- Dome of the Faith — Religious
- Produce scholars at -50% cost from the Landmark.
Castle Age
- House of Learning — Technology
- Grants no immediate bonus other than advancing to the next Age, but contains many unique economic and religious technologies.
- Compound of the Defender — Defensive
- Infantry units can build stone walls, gates, and towers. Reduces stone cost of buildings and their emplacements by 25%.
Imperial Age
- Palace of the Sultan — Religious
- Automatically produces tower war elephants. Garrison up to 4 scholars in the Landmark to increase production speed.
- Hisar Academy — Technology
- Constantly generates food based on the total number of technologies researched.
Abbasid Dynasty
To advance to new epochs with the Abbasid Dynasty, you will first need to build the House of Wisdom for 50 wood. You will then be able to select the House of Wisdom and build four different wings, each of which has different rewards based on the Age they lead to.
- Economic Wing
- Fresh Foodstuffs (Feudal Age): Reduce the cost to produce villagers by -50%.
- Agriculture (Castle Age): Improve villagers’ gathering rate from farms by 15%.
- Improved Processing (Imperial Age): Villagers drop off +8% more resources.
- Military Wing
- Camel Support (Feudal Age): Camels increase the armor of nearby infantry by +1
- Camel Rider Shields (Castle Age): Grant camel riders shields, improving their melee armor by +3.
- Boot Camp (Imperial Age): Increase the health of all infantry by +15%.
- Culture Wing
- Preservation of Knowledge (Feudal Age): Reduce the cost of all technology by -30%.
- Medical Centers (Castle Age): Keeps heal nearby units for +2 health every 1 second.
- Faith (Imperial Age): imams can convert units without holding a relic, but can only target a single unit.
- Trade Wing
- Spice Roads (Feudal Age): Increase the gold income from traders by +30%.
- Armored Caravans (Castle Age): Grants +5 armor to traders and trade ships.
- Grand Bazaar (Imperial Age): Traders also return with a secondary resource. This resource is 25% the base gold value and is set at the market.
That’s how you advance to the next age in Age of Empires 4. Some Landmarks are better than others depending on the civilization and, more precisely, your strategy, so choose wisely!
Published: Oct 28, 2021 1:56 PM UTC