Like many other creatures found in the wasteland of Appalachia, Radtoads are mutated toads with aggression issues. Featuring multiple eyes, a barbed tongue, and an extra pair of arms coming from the side of its jaw, Roadtoads are a frightsome sight. It does, however, end up as a target in dailies frequently. Here are all Radtoad locations in Fallout 76.
Where to Find Radtoads in Fallout 76
When it comes to finding Radtoads, it can be hit or miss. There’s only one location they always spawn, with a couple of others they can appear at. This enemy is easier to encounter during quests, much like the Gulper during Moonshine Madness.
All Radtoad Spawn Locations in Fo76

Two Radtoads will always appear at The Sludge Hole, located just west of the Wendigo Cave. They can also spawn at Beckwith Farm, south of Top of the World, and on the outskirts of Grafton, though it’s not guaranteed. When loading into Beckwith Farm after fast traveling, head up to the right toward the farm area. You’ll typically encounter them at a small pond there.
Radtoads are a creature you can come across solo during a Random Encounter. This is the only time you can tame it. Since this is an RNG event, it’s best not to count on it for any daily or weekly.
Events Including Radtoads Fallout 76

There are three events that Radtoads can spawn during. Seasonal event Fasnacht Day is one they always appear in, coming as the first wave of enemies during the parade. The Path to Enlightenment is another one they can be encountered in. Sometimes, they can show up during Tea Time, attacking the Water Tower pipe down the stairs from the Main Pipe.
I personally like doing events when I need to complete a Radtoad challenge. It’s like getting two birds with one stone. Not only do I finish the challenge, but I also end the event and earn the related EXP and rewards.
How to Defeat Radtoads in Fo76

Once you find a Radtoad, you’ll need to be able to kill it. They’re deadly creatures with the ability to jump, use their tongue to attack at long distances, and arm their eggs like mines. Up close, they have a brutal bite attack that can quickly decimate your health.
Funnily enough, they’re not resistant to Poison or Radiation damage. Weapons like the Radium Rifle, Gamma Gun, or Pumpkin Grenade are good options for this fight. I like to stay as far away from them as I can, but melee weapons that inflict damage over time, like a modded Bear Arm, can work, too.
Radtoad Loot Drops in Fo76
When you’ve finally killed a Roadtoad, it can drop x1 Radtoad Egg, x1 Radtoad Leg, and a piece of junk. If it’s a glowing creature, it could also potentially drop Nuclear Waste, Glowing Meat, or Glowing Blood. Legendary versions will drop a legendary weapon or armor.
That’s all locations where you can find a Radtoad in Fallout 76. For more enemy locations, where to source resources, or all about the different cryptids in the game, check out our Fo76 guide vault.
Published: Apr 24, 2024 9:09 PM UTC