Conveyor belt in Satosfactory game
Image via Coffee Stain

All Satisfactory Console Commands

Here are all console commands in Satisfactory and what they do.

There are over 50 console commands in Satisfactory that allow you not only to see various hidden data of the ongoing operations but also change the flow and dynamics of dedicated servers. In this guide, I’ll provide you with a list of all Satisfactory console commands, including all their effects.

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Satisfactory: All Console Commands and What They Do

To enable a console in Satisfactory, you need to press one of the following three keys on your keyboard to be able to enter all the commands listed below:

  • ¶ (paragraph) key;
  • ` (backtick) key;
  • ~ (tilde) key.

Note that some consoles require a larger console window to enter commands, and in that case, simply press one of the keys I mentioned above one more time.

Customizer menu in Satisfactory game
Image via Coffee Stain
?Shows a complete list of all commands.
materialFlowAnalysis recipeName[FString]Find the items required for all craftable items in the game.
Gamma [number]Changes the gamma levels.
PausePauses/unpauses the game.
r.HDR.EnableHDROutputSet to 1 to enable HDR for higher contrast and a wider color gamut.
r.Atmosphere [0/1]Activates/deactivates the atmosphere.
r.Fog [0/1]Activates/deactivates the fog.
r.ViewDistanceScaleSets the render distance of trees/foliage/rocks.
foliage.LODDistanceScaleControls how are higher quality LOD models being shown further out.
r.Shadow.DistanceScaleSets the render distance of shadows cast by objects.
r.ScreenPercentage [percent]Sets internal resolution scale.
r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight [number]Sets the impact of the current internal frame on the final image.
r.TemporalAAFilterSizeSets the spread of the TAA samples.
r.TemporalAASamples [number]Sets the number of samples to use for TAA.
r.Tonemapper.Sharpen [number]Sets the amount of a simple sharpen filter.
r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale [number]Controls the level of detail (LOD) for static meshes.
r.LandscapeLODBias [number]Fixes terrain geometry in the far distance.
Grass.densityscale [number]Sets the grass density.
pool.light.count [number]Sets the amount of lights to render.
pool.light.lightshaft.count [number]Sets the amount of light shafts to render.
Stat FPSActivates Unreal Engine 4’s built-in FPS counter.
Stat LevelsDisplays level streaming info.
Stat UnitShows a small readout of various statistics.
t.MaxFPS [number] Sets the maximum framerate to any value, other than the options in video settings.
FOV [number] Sets field of view to the entered value.
ToggleDebugOverlay [0/1]Displays a window with various debug info.
SaveWithNewSessionName [name]Saves the current session under a new session name.
ShowDebug AIShows information regarding enemies and/or automated vehicles near the player.
ShowDebug AKAUDIOSOURCESShows the number of active audio sources.
ShowDebug ANIMATIONShows information regarding what frame of an animation is being played.
ShowDebug BONESShows information regarding bone connections and their orientation in non-static models.
ShowDebug CAMERAShows extra information about the camera position.
ShowDebug CIRCUITSShows information regarding any power networks (circuits) in the world.
ShowDebug COLLISIONShows collision information.
ShowDebug FACTORYShows the number of player-built structures (not including vehicles).
ShowDebug FORCEFEEDBACKShows information about current force feedback values.
ShowDebug INPUTShows information about which input method is currently being used.
ShowDebug NETShows multiplayer connection info.
ShowDebug NONEShows only default information, hiding the rest.
ShowDebug PHYSICSShows information about current player velocity components.
ShowDebug RADIATIONShows information related to the radioactivity subsystem.
ShowDebug RADIATIONSPHERESShows spheres where radiation would begin to affect the player.
ShowDebug RESETHides all debug information, including default information.
ShowDebug SIGNIFICANCEMANAGERShows information on the significance of sounds currently being played and their volume relative to each other.
ShowDebug TRACKSShows information on the railroad subsystem on tracks.
ShowDebug TRAINSCHEDULERShows train scheduling information.
ShowDebug TRAINSIGNALSShows Train Signal and block information.
ShowDebug TRAINSShows information about all existing trains.
ShowDebug VEHICLEShows information on the vehicle the player is currently in.
ShowDebug WEAPONShows information regarding held weapons/tools.

That’s it for our list of all Satisfactory console commands. Stay tuned for more Satisfactory tips and tricks articles right here.

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Image of Serhii Patskan
Serhii Patskan
Contributing Writer
Serhii is the Writer at GameSkinny. He's been writing for GameSkinny since 2015. Before that, he's been writing for various outlets and playing video games, which eventually turned into a passion. The video games that have contributed the most to his enthusiasm for writing about this industry are Magic: The Gathering, Dark Souls, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.