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Baldur’s Gate 3: All Alchemy Potion and Elixir Recipes

This list will guide you through all Alchemy Potions and Elixirs in Baldur's Gate 3!

Alchemy is a little complicated in Baldur’s Gate 3, so it’s useful to have a list of potion and elixir recipes available for reference. You’ll gain recipes through picking up ingredients and crafting components like Salts and Suspensions, but you can also find recipes from books. While information isn’t available for every potion and elixir yet, in this guide I’ll provide the ingredients and effects that are currently known for each potion and elixir mentioned.

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All Alchemy Potion and Elixir Recipes in BG3

Alchemy can be used to craft elixirs and potions, many of which are Bonus Actions, that can give you an edge in battle. For an overview of how Alchemy works, check out my Healing Potion guide.

Some potions and elixirs are picked up rather than made. In this case, I’m including only potions and elixirs that are made from Alchemy, not those like the Gooseberry Potion that are the result of a spell, or Basilisk Oil that’s found in the world. For these lists, I’m using the Baldur’s Gate 3 Wiki as a reference given that there are so many recipes to find. The Wiki is full of useful information that has been great when navigating recipes and how to learn them.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Potion Recipe List

AntidoteSalts of Mugwort + Any SuspensionRemoves any Poison effect
Angelic SlumberEssence of Planetar Feature + Any SuspensionGain a Long Rest through a slumber of 2 turns
Animal SpeakingEssence of Acorn Truffle + Any SaltGain Speak with Animals’ spell effect until you take a Long Rest
Feather FallSublimate of Autumn Crocus + Any EssenceGain the effects of the Feather Fall spell
FlyingSublimate of Eagle Feathers + Any EssenceGain the effects of the Fly Spell
Glorious VaultingSublimate of Wispweed + Any AshesGain 3x the distance for Jump
HealingSalts of Rogue’s Morsel + Any Suspension2d4 + 2 healing and removal of Burning
Healing (Greater)Ashes of Balsam + Any Salt4d4 + 4 healing and removal of Burning
Healing (Superior)Salts of Musk Creeper + Any Suspension8d4 + 8 healing and removal of Burning
Healing (Supreme)Sublimate of Ki-Rin Hair + Any Ashes10d4 + 20 healing and removal of Burning
InvisibilityAshes of Imp Patagium + Any EssenceGain the effects of the Invisibility spell
Mind ReadingSuspension of Mergrass + Any SublimateGain the effects of the Detect Thoughts spell
SpeedAshes of Hyena Ear + Any SaltGain Haste for 3 turns

Baldur’s Gate 3 Elixir Recipe List

Arcane CultivationVitriol of Weavemoss + Any SublimateGain an extra Level 1 Spell Slot
Arcane Cultivation (Greater)Suspension of Laculite + Any VitriolGain an extra Level 2 Spell Slot
Arcane Cultivation (Superior)Solution of Night Orchid + Any VitriolGain an extra Level 3 Spell Slot
BarkskinSalts of Tree Bark + Any SuspensionRaise AC to 16
BloodlustAshes of Worg Fang + Any SaltEnter Bloodlust and get 5 temporary hit points and an extra action upon killing an enemy
Guileful MovementSuspension of Ochre Jelly + Any SublimateIgnore Difficult Terrain, Paralysis, and Restraints
Hill Giant StrengthSalts of Hill Giant Fingernail + Any SublimateRaise Strength to 21 until a Long Rest
Peerless FocusSublimate of Belladonna + Any AshesImmune to Sleep, gain Advantage on Concentration Saves and against Charms
Fire ResistanceAshes of Dragon Egg Mushroom + Any SaltGain Fire Resistance and immunity to Burning
Lightning ResistanceSalts of Copper Shavings + Any SuspensionGain Resistance to Lightning Damage
Necrotic ResistanceVitriol of Oleander + Any SublimateGain Resistance to Necrotic Damage
Poison ResistanceSuspension of Muddy Goo + Any SublimateGain Resistance to Poison Damage
Psychic ResistanceSuspension of Cerebrospinal Fluid +Any SublimateGain Resistance to Psychic Damage
Universal ResistanceVitriol of Divine Miasma + Any SublimateGain Resistance to all damage
See InvisibilitySuspension of Nothic Eye + Any VitriolSpot creatures under the effects of Invisibility
The ColossusSalts of Chasm Creeper + Any SuspensionIncrease size, +1d4 Weapon Damage, Advantage on Strength Checks and Saves
ViciousnessVitriol of Shadowroot Sac + Any AshesIncrease Critical Hit Chance
VigilanceSublimate of Bloodstained Hook + Any Ashes+5 to Initiative and you can’t be Surprised
TadpoleSublimate of Tongue of Madness + Any EssenceGain Psionic Weakening and Enrichment

And that wraps up the current list of Alchemy elixir and potion recipes in Baldur’s Gate 3. If more recipes are found, I’ll be updating this list. I certainly wasn’t able to find every recipe in my first playthrough, so I imagine there could be hidden recipes still lurking in-game. Until then, check out our BG3 guide hub for topics like how to Multiclass.

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Image of Melissa Sarnowski
Melissa Sarnowski
Contributing Writer
Melissa Sarnowski has been working as a gaming writer professionally for two years, having been at GameSkinny for over a year now as a horror beat writer. She has an English degree from University of Wisconsin - Madison. While she focuses on all things horror, she also enjoys cozy games, MMOs like FFXIV and WoW, and any and everything in between.