The amount of character customization you can tinker with in Baldur’s Gate 3 at the start is far more comprehensive than you’ll run into with most other RPGs. Figuring out your race and subrace, as well as class and other class-related features, is no small task. While your starting Ability Points (stats) don’t vary based on race, there are other factors you’ll want to consider aside from how they look. In this guide we’ll touch on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subraces, of which there are many.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Subrace Overview
Just like how not every class has subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3, not every race has a subrace. Human, Githyanki, and Half-Orc all lack subraces. The others very much do, though, and they can impact dialogue as well as grant different Features, Actions, or Cantrips. Any time you start a new game, you’ll want to pay special attention to your subrace selection to optimize your build.
This guide will be fleshed out over the coming days to add more detailed descriptions and additional context to each race and subrace, particularly to go over further subrace differences. But for now, let’s get right to it!
Elf Subraces
- High Elf
- High Elf Cantrip: Fire Bolt — Hurl a mote of fire for 1d10 Fire damage.
- Wood Elf
- Wood Elf Feature: Fleet of Foot — Your Movement Speed is increased by 1.5m.
Tiefling Subraces
- Asmodeus Tiefling
- Asmodeus Thiefling Cantrip: Produce Flame — A flame in your hand sheds a light in a 9m radius and deals 1 ~ 8 Fire damage when thrown.
- Mephistopheles Tiefling
- Mephistopheles Thiefling Cantrip — Mage Hand
- Zariel Thiefling
- Zariel Tiefling Cantrip: Thaumaturgy — Gain Advantage on Intimidation and Performance Checks.
Drow Subraces
The Drow subraces don’t feature unique starting Cantrips, Actions, or Features. Instead they both interact with the world a little differently.
- Lolth-Sworn Drow
- Lolth-Sworn Drow Description: Raised by Lolth’s cult in the city of Mensoberranzan, these drow embody the virtues of their corrupt and merciless goddess. Lolth marks Her followers with bright red eyes so those in the Underdark will learn to fear them on sight.
- Seldarine Drow
- Seldarin Drow Description: Seldarine drow can be found seeking allies from all over Faerun, aiming to settle their conflict with Lolth – and each other – by any means necessary.
Dwarf Subraces
- Gold Dwarf
- Gold Dwarf Feature: Dwarven Toughness — Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and increases again every time you gain a level.
- Shield Dwarf
- Shield Dwarf Feature: Dwarven Armour Training — Your have Armour Proficiency with Light and Medium Armour.
- Duergar
- Duergar Features:
- Superior Darkvision — Can see in the dark up to 24m.
- Duergar Resilience — You have Advantage on Saving Throws against illusions and against being Charmed or Paralysed.
Half-Elf Subraces
- High Half-Elf
- High Half-Elf Cantrip: Fire Bolt — Hurl a mote of fire dealing 1d10 Fire damage.
- Wood Half-Elf
- Wood Half-Elf Feature: Fleet of Foot — Your Movement Speed is increased by 1.5m.
- Drow Half-Elf
- Drow Half-Elf Cantrip: Dancing Lights — Illuminate a 9m radius.
Halfling Subraces
- Lightfoot Halfling
- Lightfoot Halfling Feature: Naturally Stealthy — You have Advantage on Stealth Checks.
- Strongheart Halfling
- Strongheart Halfling Feature: Strongheart Resilience — You have Advantage on Saving Throws against Poison and Resistance to Poison Damage.
Gnome Subraces
- Rock Gnome
- Rock Gnome Features:
- Darkvision — Can see in the dark up to 12m.
- Artificer’s Lore — Add twice your Proficiency Bonus to History Checks.
- Deep Gnome
- Deep Gnome Features:
- Superior Darkvision — Can see in the dark up to 24m.
- Stone Camouflage — You have Advantage on Stealth Checks.
Dragonborn Subraces
- Black Dragonborn
- Black Dragonborn Action: Acid Breath
- Black Dragonborn Feature: Draconic Ancestry — The blood of ancient dragons flows through your veins. You are Resistant to Acid damage.
- Blue Dragonborn
- Blue Dragonborn Action: Lightning Breath
- Blue Dragonborn Feature: Draconic Ancestry — The blood of ancient dragons flows through your veins. You are Resistant to Lightning damage.
- Brass Dragonborn
- Brass Dragonborn Action: Fire Breath
- Brass Dragonborn Feature: Draconic Ancestry — The blood of ancient dragons flows through your veins. You are Resistant to Fire damage.
- Bronze Dragonborn
- Bronze Dragonborn Action: Lightning Breath
- Bronze Dragonborn Feature: Draconic Ancestry — The blood of ancient dragons flows through your veins. You are Resistant to Lightning damage.
- Copper Dragonborn
- Copper Dragonborn Action: Acid Breath
- Copper Dragonborn Feature: Draconic Ancestry — The blood of ancient dragons flows through your veins. You are Resistant to Acid damage.
- Gold Dragonborn
- Gold Dragonborn Action: Fire Breath
- Gold Dragonborn Feature: Draconic Ancestry — The blood of ancient dragons flows through your veins. You are Resistant to Fire damage.
- Green Dragonborn
- Green Dragonborn Action: Poison Breath
- Green Dragonborn Feature: Draconic Ancestry — The blood of ancient dragons flows through your veins. You are Resistant to Poison damage.
- Red Dragonborn
- Red Dragonborn Action: Fire Breath
- Red Dragonborn Feature: Draconic Ancestry — The blood of ancient dragons flows through your veins. You are Resistant to Fire damage.
- Silver Dragonborn
- Silver Dragonborn Action: Frost Breath
- Silver Dragonborn Feature: Draconic Ancestry — The blood of ancient dragons flows through your veins. You are Resistant to Cold damage.
- White Dragonborn
- White Dragonborn: Frost Breath
- White Dragonborn Feature: Draconic Ancestry — The blood of ancient dragons flows through your veins. You are Resistant to Cold damage.
That’s it for all the Baldur’s Gate 3 subraces, but we’ve got more guides coming and this one’s going to get a shakeup or two. Because why not, there’s plenty to talk about with all of these options! We’ve got more BG3 guides coming here on GameSkinny.
Published: Aug 4, 2023 2:02 AM UTC