Giuseppe at Whitespring Resort
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Best Fallout 76 Plans to Spend Stamps On

Stamp plans are hard to save for, but these are the best ones to buy in Fallout 76.

There are a number of plans you can purchase with Stamps in Appalachia. Some let you build decorative items like neon signs or interactable slot machines, while others grant you weapons and armor. With so many to choose from, it can be hard to decide what to save for. Here are the best Fallout 76 plans to spend Stamps on.

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Top 5 Stamps Plans in Fallout 76

There are a lot of decorative plans you can purchase. However, they’ve been excluded from this list since there are limited methods to earn Stamps in Fo76, and everyone has different tastes. Instead, this guide focuses on weapons and armor that directly impact gameplay.

Auto Axe Plan — 500 Stamps

The Auto Axe is one of the best melee weapons in Fallout 76. It’s exclusively bought through Stamps unless you want to spend real money in the Atomic Shop. It features a very fast attack speed similar to the Chainsaw and can quickly cut down enemies.

Auto Axe Electrified Mod — 40 Stamps

Giving your Auto Axe the ability to zap people ups the fun. Not only that, but it increases your damage output by 20% and adds energy damage. It does add a bit more weight, though the additional damage is worth it.

Civil Engineer Jet Pack Armor — 300 Stamps

The Civil Engineer set was introduced in the second Atlantic City update, and it’s quickly become one of the best armor sets in the game. Giuseppe sells a number of mods for the armor, as well, allowing you to increase your carry weight, energy resistance, unarmed damage, and more.

Civil Engineer Underarmor — 40 Stamps

Under armor allows you to strut whatever outfit you want to wear while still being protected. There are different types of under armor, such as Resistant, Lead Lined, or Protective Lining. They each increase stats in their own way, but overall, the Civil Engineer Underarmor is a solid Stamp investment.

Union Power Armor — 120 Stamps Each

Arguably the best Power Armor in Fallout 76, the Union Power Armor is only available through Stamps. There are six pieces to the set, with each of them costing 120 Stamps for a total investment of 720 Stamps. If you’re a die-hard power armor user, saving up is definitely something you want to do. In addition to the regular plans, there are additional mods, like the Union Stealth Boy, that can further your builds.

Those are the best Fallout 76 plans to spend Stamps on. Whether you enjoy melee, running around in power armor, or are tired of dying all the time, these plans will ensure success in the Wasteland. For more on surviving in Appalachia, check out our Fo76 guide vault.

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Image of Ashley Erickson
Ashley Erickson
Contributing Writer
Ashley, otherwise known as Glitchiee, is an avid gamer of RPGs, TTRPGS, farming sims, and survival crafting games. Playing since she can remember, she started on the SNES, GameBoy Color, and collection 1st gen Pokemon cards. Using her passion for gaming, she's written about games for a combined total of 2 years.