Inhibitors are a form of pseudo-collectible in Dying Light 2. They allow you to increase your health and stamina pools, and they extend your immunity with each upgrade, allowing you to stay out at night or in darkness for longer periods of time.
Inhibitors are spread all across Old Villedor and the Central Loop in green and white GRE containers, safes, and Airdrops. Others are found at GRE Anomalies and inside GRE Quarantines. For every location but one, your GRE key will ping when you get within 50 meters of a container or safe. You can also activate five radio towers that will mark Inhibitors on the map within a certain range:
- Saint Joseph Medical Radio Relay at Saint Joseph Hospital in Trinity.
- Marks locations in northern and central Houndfield, Trinity, and Horseshoe.
- Historical Communications Tower in northwestern Downtown.
- Marks locations in Downtown and western New Dawn Park.
- North Loop Radio Tower in the western portion of The Wharf.
- Marks locations in The Wharf and Muddy Grounds.
- South Loop Radio Tower in western Lower Dam Ayre.
- Marks locations in Lower Dam Ayre and southwestern and central Saint Paul Island.
- Newfound Land Military Relay in the extreme southwestern portion of the map; it’s southwest of Newfound Lost Lands in the uncharted part of the map near the Sunken City.
- Marks locations in the Sunken City.
Each increase to either health or stamina requires three Inhibitors; some containers and locations only have one Inhibitor, while others provide multiples at one time. There are 126 Inhibitors to find, and you’ll need 81 of them to get the Fit as a Fiddle and Ironheart trophies or achievements for maxing out your health and stamina respectively.
These may not be the exact order you find Dying Light 2‘s Inhibitors.
All Inhibitor Locations in Dying Light 2
Jump to a specific territory here:
- Trinity
- Horseshoe
- Quarry End
- Houndfield
- Downtown
- New Dawn Park
- The Wharf
- Muddy Grounds
- Garrison
- Saint Paul Island
- Lower Dam Ayre
- Newfound Lost Lands
- Sunken City
Trinity Inhibitors
You’ll get your first three Inhibitors during the Markers of Plague campaign quest. The hospital is in both Houndfield and Trinity, so we’re opting to put it here based on Territory Rank. Either way, you can’t miss them.
You’ll get one Inhibitor as a reward for completing The First Biomarker side quest, and two as a reward for completing GRE Anomaly C-A-05 in eastern Trinity.
There are two Inhibitors in the container barely west of the Larch Windmill in extreme southern Trinity. The container is in the same building as the windmill, just inside a door with some wheat outside.
There is one Inhibitor in an Airdrop on the Trinity side of the Saint Joseph Hospital, just barely out of Houndfield. Climb up the north side using the yellow pipes on the sidewalls and grapple point to reach the roof.
This one is 175 meters northeast of Saint Joseph Hospital. Enter through a window on the north side of the building’s second story. Go down the stairs and then through the air vent. Drop all the way down to the first floor, then crouch through a small hole on the right. Go into the room on the right and climb up.
From the last Inhibitor, go ~90 meters south in Trinity. There are three in the container on the second story of a building between the Dark Hollow and a Forsaken Store. There is a Chicken Pie store on the first floor.
This one is in a Forsaken Store near the eastern border of Trinity, about 150 meters southeast of the Alder Windmill. Enter the store and go left at the stairwell, then straight through the to the next room. Turn right and open the steel door. Turn left to find a GRE containment door with the Inhibitor container inside.
This container has three Inhibitors and is found during The Revolution quest. It’s just inside the door of the safe house where you speak with Alberto after getting the fertilizer.
Horseshoe Inhibitors
There are four Inhibitors at the THV Genomics Center.
You’ll find this container with two inside on the third level of the water tower during the Water Tower quest. It’s at the back of the circular room from where you enter.
From the Willow Windmill, go south 60 meters, until you see a marble balcony on the left side. Jump down, and go through the opening on the right to the backmost room and up. There are two Inhibitors here.
This is inside the Tango Motel. You’ll gain access to the hotel during The Raid quest. It’s right outside Sophie’s and Barney’s room. There are two here, as well.
Quarry End Inhibitors
Two Inhibitors can be retrieved from GRE Anomaly C-A-01, 175 meters south of Main Terminal Station in Quarry End. You’ll also get three Inhibitors for completing the Getting Stronger campaign quest.
One Inhibitor is just on the northwestern border with Quarry End and Houndfield. You’ll find an underground station (but not a metro) in the middle of a four-lane road. It’s to the east of a Houndfield park with a pond in the middle of it.
Houndfield Inhibitors
You get two Inhibitors for completing the GRE Anaomaly C-A-22 in south-central Houdnfield. There are four in the Center for Stage IV Study Quarantine in Houndfield, just 60 meters northeast of the Cherry Windmill. One other can be found after activating the Hayward Square Metro. Directly to your left on a table after the cutscene.
One is found during The Ball is in Your Court at the Car Park in north-central Houndfield, 145 meters northeast of the Birch Windmill. It’s in a GRE shipping outside the Car Park.
Another Inhibitor can be found in the Nightrunner’s Hideout in East Central Houndfield, just north of the cherry Windmill. In a safe, not a crate. The safe code is 101.
This Inhibitor is in the water in the canal just east of the houndfield electrical station. It’s by the bridge just north of the crane.
Downtown Inhibitors
Two Inhibitors are found at GRE Anomaly C-A-79 in northern Downtown, 190 meters east of the Downtown Court Metro Station, and four can be found at the GRE Vaccine Lab. There are also two at the Downtown Court Metro after completing Let’s Waltz!.
There are two Inhibitors to be had after hooking up the generators in the Downtown Electrical Substation, you’ll take the elevator to the control room to activate the station. The previously-locked door ahead of you is now open.
During The Shoe campaign quest in south Downtown, you’ll go to Lawan’s apartment to help her find something. When you enter the secret room, the container is on the right side of the room with three inside.
This one is in the Airdrop THB-NW4 crate at the top of Lawan’s building. Make sure to land here while descending from the VNC tower to make it easier. It’s on the right side of the roof.
This one Inhibitor is in the THB-1L0 airdrop at the top of the Downtown Thugs hideout building.
This one Inhibitor is at the Downtown Thugs Bandit Camp, on the northwestern part of the building. It’s in a crate next to the yellow City Space on the building with the red office plaza sign. Take the pulley lift just north of the Bandit Camp icon on the map.
When you get to the top, turn around, and look up. You’ll see Keep Away scrawled in red on the building and pole with a long arm reaching out to the red shutters. Use that to jump over and find your way left toward the office plaza sign on the red platforms. You’ll have to jump out from the building and turn on your way up to grab the red platforms to reach the crate.
There is another Inhibitor found at Downtown Thugs Bandit Camp in this area. Follow the building up toward the Airdrop. Starting from the southern entrance of the camp, face north. Climb up the red platforms on the east side of the building (above the pully lift there).
Follow them around the southern face of the building to find a wall you can climb to another set. Then follow this next set of red platforms back across the southern face.
Go inside through the broken window on the left. Go left, then right, and stay left to find a set of elevators. Go up the first on the right to the third floor. Exit, and turn right. You’ll see another building ahead with four square windows and the top left one knocked out. Climb up to find a small safe on a desk on the right side with an inhibitor inside. The safe code is: 313.
On the southern side of the Downtown Thugs Bandit Camp, you’ll see a building across the street with the Downtown Hall sign. This one Inhibitor is on the second floor of that building.
New Dawn Park Inhibitors
There is one Inhibitor in the Newells Crossing Metro Station.
During the story mission Orders, you’ll need to find the outpost commander Rowe. You’ll end up in a high-rise in far western New Dawn Park. When you reach the room with Rowe, the GRE crate is on the left side of the room with two inside.
The building directly across from the Fish Eye to the northwest (directly across from the tower to which the fish eye blimp is tethered). It has a Parkour Challenge at the top. This one Inhibitor container is one floor below that in a penthouse suite, near the elevator.
The Wharf Inhibitors
Two can be found at GRE Anomaly C-A-83, in the northwest portion of The Wharf along the border with a chemical zone by an overpass. Four can be retrieved from the GRE Experimental Research Lab Quarantine. Another is in the Waterside Metro by the sleeping bag.
As you make your way up the high-rise to the antenna during the Nightrunners story mission, you’ll find this container with one inside a few stories up in a room on the left side. It’s just before you use three grapple points to go around the side of the building and land on a floor with the beehive and elevator shaft you have to take to go up.
Muddy Grounds Inhibitors
There’s one in the safe room at the King William Bridge Metro after restoring power.
Garrison Inhibitors
You’ll get one Inhibitor after powering on the VNC Tower Metro Station. It’s by the sleeping bag. Two more can be found in the northwestern section of Garrison by completing the GRE Anomaly C-A-78. Two more still can be retrieved from GRE Anomaly C-A-67, 285 meters west of the VNC Tower Metro Station. Two more from GRE Anomaly C-A-55.
Another Inhibitor is in the Garrison Electrical Substation. It is locked behind the “C” gate. It is on the right side of the room in a safe on the control room desk. There is a box on the floor with the safe code: 314.
There is one Inhibitor just outside the walled, chain-linked entrance to the VNC tower in the Broadcast mission. The entrance to the GRE shipping container is closest to the walled-off entrance (southside of the container, away from the disabled tank).
As you make your way to the top of VNC Tower after getting the grapple hook, you’ll eventually swing across one side of the tower to the other outside. Continue to follow the path all of the way up the elevator shafts and stairs until you come to a room with a UV lamp next to a desk and computer. The container is in front of you with three Inhibitors inside.
One more Inhibitor is south of the antenna on top of VNC Tower, in a room under the flat part of the roof. Don’t worry about getting this one during the Broadcast campaign mission. Later, you can take the pulley lift to the Safe Zone at the bottom of the building, then the elevator up, which puts you on the flat part of the roof without having to go through the roof platforming section.
One Inhibitor is in Airdrop THB-UT0 in southern Garrison. Get here with the Paraglider from the top of VNC Tower.
One Inhibitor is in a Dark Hollow in northwest Garrison near the border with Downtown. It’s 278 meters north of the VNC Tower Metro, and barely southwest of Anomaly C-A-78.
One is just outside of the western Garrison border in no man’s land heading to the dam. 145 meters west/northwest of the VNC Tower metro, you’ll come to a body of water on the garrison border. You’ll see three poles with planks leading into the water and a shack (with a collectible in it) on the opposite shore. The Inhibitor container is in the water by the wooden poles.
Saint Paul Island Inhibitors
Two Inhibitors can be retrieved from GRE Anomaly C-A-91 in north-central Saint Paul Island, and four more can be found at the THV-GenMod Development Center in the northern part of the island. One is in the Cathedral Metro Station.
Another two can be found in the Saint Paul Cathedral in the main story Cathedral quest. After you defeat Leto and turn off the power blocking your way up, climb up the scaffolding through the hole in the floor above. Instead of climbing higher toward the objective, go through the nearby doors, then another set of doors. The container is to the left in an area full of pews.
This Inhibitor is found at the Saint Paul Electrical Station on Saint Paul Island. This is underwater behind the B door, to the left once you enter the door behind a large generator.
Another one is at the top of the bell tower of the Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle. It is in a safe to the left of a radio setup. The code for the safe is 444.
This Inhibitor is on the border with Lower Dam Ayre. In a Dark Hollow. Inside a safe found on the left side of the roof-top entrance. The safe code can be found in another lockpick safe downstairs in the room with the two special brute infected. The code is 987.
Lower Dam Ayre Inhibitors
Four Inhibitors can be retrieved from the THV Advanced Care Quarantine building in western Lower Dam Ayre. Two are found at GRE Anomaly C-A-23 in eastern Lower Dam Ayre, with two more at GRE Anomaly C-A-34. Another one is just outside the Anomaly under the bridge along the canal, on the border with Saint Paul Island. Finally, one other can be found at the South Loop Metro after restoring power.
Another one Inhibitor is roughly 180 meters east of Culvert Island and just south of the King William Bridge Metro. The cache is in the water underneath the bridge.
These two Inhibitors are about 85 meters northeast of the South Loop Metro. You can get to it by climbing the buildings north of it and GRE THV Advanced Care. Start with the terraced apartment building with red/orange shutters north of the Quarantine by the large crane and work your way up and over. This is on the roof of the building just north of the antenna.
From the King William Bridge Metro, head roughly 100 meters southeast to the King William Bridge itself. Jump over the southern side of the bridge about halfway down to find this one Inhibitor container in the water. It’s on the Lower Dam Ayre side.
This Inhibitor is on top of the Church of Saint John of God in northern lower dam ayre. It’s 200 meters southwest of the Saint Paul Cathedral. It’s in an Airdrop THB-4UL.
This one Inhibitor can be found at the Heron Renegados Bandit Camp in southeastern Lower Dam Ayre. Approach the Bandit Camp by going across the bridge separating it from the central island. Once across, take the first left down the side street. Then take the first right into a small passage between the buildings. Once through, turn right immediately to see a wooden shack with a Bear It Wildly sign on it.
Newfound Lost Lands Inhibitors
Two Inhibitors are in GRE Anomaly C-A-56, 180 meters south of the South Loop Metro Station on top of the two taller buildings just east of the bus station.
South of Newfound Lost Lands, across the water, you’ll find a Nightrunner’s Hideout on a highway. South of that, you’ll find a military compound with an Antenna.
Enter the compound through the front gate blocked by a military vehicle. Go into the building on the white building on the left (past the two cars) with the antennas on it. About halfway down on the right, you’ll find a room that has a ladder going down. Follow the path through until you squeeze through a door. The one inhibitor crate is straight ahead in the back against a wall of computers.
Sunken City Inhibitors
There are five inhibitors in the waters south of Newfound Lost Lands. The best way to find them is by activating the military antenna in the southwestern portion of the area and revealing their locations.
And those are all of the Inhibitor locations in Dying Light 2. We have a lot more walkthroughs and locations guides over on our official DL2 tips page. Head over here for more.
Published: Jan 30, 2022 4:31 AM UTC