There are 120 armor sets in Elden Ring, letting you put together all types of builds, mixing and matching individual pieces to unique effects. However, you’re here because you’re looking for the finest choices, and our best armor tier list has them ranked based on effectiveness.
Best Armor Tier List for Elden Ring
S-Tier Armor

Bull-Goat Set
- Set Weight: 63
- Defenses: Phy-45 / Mag-28.9
- Resistances: Imm-170 / Vit-130 / Poi-100
Starting out, our best armor tier list is the Bull-Goat set, which is perhaps the foremost choice in the game for physical resistance armor. Its only drawback is its massive weight. But if you play as a purely strength-based build, you shouldn’t have a problem equipping this. No fat rolling here.
It provides the highest poise of all armor sets in the game, although it may not be the best-looking armor with giant horns protruding from its chest plate. Here are the precise steps to get it:
- You must spare Patches’ life in the Murkwater Cave.
- Find and speak to Patches later at the Scenic Isle in Liurnia of The Lakes.
- Start the Volcano Manor quest, but do not kill Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy, yet.
- Accept Patches’ quest at Volcano Manor.
- Defeat Great Horned Tragoth at Ruin-Strewn Precipice.
The Bull-Goat set will be rewarded right after Tragoth’s death. If you kill Patches earlier, or if you kill Rykard prior to completing Patches’ quest, you can’t get the Bull-Goat set.
Crucible Axe Set
- Set Weight: 36.9
- Defenses: Phy-38.3 / Mag-28.2
- Resistances: Imm-120 / Vit-82 / Poi-58
If you’re not a fan of extremely heavy armor but still want solid protection, then the Crucible Axe armor set will fit the bill perfectly. Many players (including myself) also consider it to be the most stylish armor set in the Elden Ring.
You can get it by defeating Crucible Knight Ordovis, who can be found in Auriza Hero’s Grave, located in the eastern part of the Capital Outskirts. Note that this boss fight also includes another Crucible Knight, so ultimately, you’ll have to deal with two bosses at the same time. One of them wields a spear, and the other one carries a special sword, which you also get if you manage to beat them both.
Crucible Tree Set
- Set Weight: 36.9
- Defenses: Phy-33.8 / Mag-25.6
- Resistances: Fire-24.2 / Ligt-22.6 / Holy-27.6
If you don’t want to fight two Crucible Knights, you can get the similar Crucible Tree set at Deeproot Depths, an underground area, which can be entered while resting in a coffin after killing Valiant Gargoyle in Siofra Aqueduct in Nokron, Eternal City. There, you’ll fight Crucible Knight Siluria. After defeating them, you’ll find the Crucible Tree set in a chest behind the boss. Both Crucible Axe and Crucible Tree sets are practically equal in stats but look slightly different.
A-Tier Armor

General Radahn Set
- Set Weight: 39.2
- Defenses: Phy-41 / Mag-29.3
- Resistances: Imm-143 / Vit-91 / Poi-60
Starscourge Radahn not only gives you a chance to get the best greatsword in the game after defeating him but also one of the finest and most solid armor sets. Of course, you must first beat Starscourge Radahn, who resides in the Redmane Castle, Caelid. The quickest way to get there is to use the Chamber Outside the Plaza grace.
Note that this boss is weak to Scarlet Rot and Bleed, or you’ll have a lot of trouble beating him. When you’re done with him, go to Finger Reader Enia at Roundtable Hold and buy this excellent armor for 36,000 Runes.
Veteran’s Set
- Set Weight: 45
- Defenses: Phy-41 / Mag-29.3
- Resistances: Imm-27 / Vit-110 / Poi-79
This armor set has one of the best weight-to-poise ratios in the Elden Ring. It could have easily been in S-Tier, but unfortunately, it has a very low immunity to poison and blight, which can be murderous in some fights.
To get the Veteran’s Set, you must defeat Commander Niall, who can be found on the roof of the Castle Sol, located at Mountaintops of the Giants, which can be seen in the northeastern part of The Lands Between. Once the boss is dead, speak to Finger Reader Enia at Roundtable Hold, and she’ll gladly sell you this robust armor for 18,000 Runes.
Lionel’s Set
- Set Weight: 50.7
- Defenses: Phy-38.3 / Mag-29.3
- Resistances: Imm-150 / Vit-100 / Poi-79
If you’re looking to acquire a very heavy armor set with high poise but don’t have access to the Patches’ quest for the Bull-Goat Set, then Lionel’s Set is the next best choice. All you have to do for this one is go to the Lower Capital Church, located in Leyndell, Royal Capital, and pick it up from the bed. No boss fights or quests are required!
B-Tier Armor

Beast Champion Set
- Set Weight: 40.1
- Defenses: Phy-37.6 / Mag-28
- Resistances: Imm-133 / Vit-88 / Poi-60
Beast Champion was designed for lowly Tarnished by the name Knight Bernahl. Here’s how to get it. You’ll meet Knight Bernahl at the Warmaster’s Shack, Stormhill. Later on, he’ll move to Volcano Manor and serve as the Ashes of War merchant by the name Recusant Bernahl if you pledge allegiance to Volcano Manor and complete related assassination quests.
You fight him, and he’ll drop the Beast Champion set after you beat him. If you don’t want to fight him at that point, you’ll have another chance later on at Crumbling Farum Azula in the Mountaintops of the Giants. He’ll drop the armor and the Blasphemous Claw here, so I suggest waiting.
Scaled Set
- Set Weight: 38
- Defenses: Phy-36.7 / Mag-28.9
- Resistances: Imm-135 / Vit-91 / Poi-58
This armor set provides increased resistance against non-physical damage, as well as relatively high poise. Obtaining the Scaled Set is also relatively easier than many of the other sets on our tier list. All you need to do is defeat Old Knight Istvan, the first of the three invaders during the Volcano Manor questline. Once beaten, he’ll drop the armor, Furlcalling Finger Remedy for multiplayer, a Rune Arc, and some Runes.
Malformed Dragon Set
- Set Weight: 38
- Defenses: Phy-36.7 / Mag-28.2
- Resistances: Imm-135 / Vit-91 / Poi-56
In addition to the Beast Champion set you can get the Malformed Dragon armor from a different boss in the same location. You need to defeat Draconic Tree Sentinel, just not the one at the Capital Outskirts, but another one, who can be found at the Crumbling Farum Azula in the Mountaintops of the Giants. This one is harder to beat, but you can use poison damage, to which he is rather susceptible. In addition to the Malformed Dragon set, he will also drop 28,000 Runes.
Those are the best armor sets in Elden Ring. If you want to read more on Elden Ring tips and tricks, then go to our dedicated hub page.
Published: Jul 7, 2024 6:57 AM UTC