If you're wondering how to farm Rabbits or get your hands on the Atomic Shop Caged Rabbit in Fallout 76, follow this guide.

Fallout 76: Where to Find Rabbits

If you're wondering how to farm Rabbits or get your hands on the Atomic Shop Caged Rabbit in Fallout 76, follow this guide.

Rabbits roam some areas of the Appalachian wasteland in Fallout 76, but if you’re looking to farm them, you’ll want to home in on their specific locationsSome recipes include Rabbit Leg, there are challenges revolving around hunting rabbits, and there is a new Caged Rabbit item in the Atomic Shop. If you’re wondering where to find Rabbits in Fallout 76, the guide below has what you need to know. 

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Can You Tame Rabbits in Fallout 76?

If you’re wondering if you can tame Rabbits in Fallout 76, the answer to that question is, no: currently, there’s no way to capture and tame Rabbits in the game. 

Fallout 76 Rabbit Farming Locations

Rabbits are small, pale animals, not to be confused with squirrels. They don’t attack and can be pacified with the Animal Friend perk. Once slain, they drop Intestines, Rabbit Leg, and Rabbit Hide. Intestines are used in crafting Mystery Meat Pie and Fasnacht Sausage. Rabbit Legs are used to craft Seasoned Rabbit Skewers.

Rabbits typically appear in the less industrialized areas of the wasteland. While you can occasionally find some while wandering, there are a few specific locations in Appalachia where you’ll find live rabbits to farm:

  • The hill near the Whitespring Service Entrance 
  • Between the Wendigo Cave and Central Mountain Lookout
  • During Fasnacht Day events, rabbits can spawn in Helvetia 
  • Can spawn during the Seasonal Event, Grahm’s Meat Cook

If all you need are some Rabbit Legs, you can head to Rollins Labor Camp and check the outdoor kitchen to find three dead rabbits.

Screenshot by GameSkinny.

How to Get the Atomic Shop Caged Rabbit

The only way to get the Atomic Shop Caged Rabbit is by getting the Helvetia Bundle. Note that you can’t have the Chicken Coop and the Caged Rabbit in your C.A.M.P at the same time. When placed, the Caged Rabbit will produce fertilizer every hour of in-game play. 

And that’s where to find Rabbits and how to get the Atomic Shop Caged Rabbit in Fo76. For more help with challenges, dailies, or other quests, check out our Fallout 76 guides

Featured image via Bethesda.

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Image of Ashley Erickson
Ashley Erickson
Contributing Writer
Ashley, otherwise known as Glitchiee, is an avid gamer of RPGs, TTRPGS, farming sims, and survival crafting games. Playing since she can remember, she started on the SNES, GameBoy Color, and collection 1st gen Pokemon cards. Using her passion for gaming, she's written about games for a combined total of 2 years.