You may be rushing through your Goldsmith levels, but don’t forget those class quests! You need to complete all of them to receive your Urcaguary from the level 50 quest.
This guide is outdated as of the 2.1 patch! I will be fixing it all up once I can. Please check my FFXIV guide list for updates. Sorry for the inconvenience!
The overall goal of this and the other tradecraft class quest guides is to give those of you leveling some idea of what to do ahead of time (and know what gear is to come), or for those of you (like me) who rush your tradecrafts and go back and do the class quests later.
There are three particular things to note here:
- Every quest sans your level 1 has a monetary optional reward instead of gear. These amounts are not listed.
- The required items for the quests between 1 and 15 can be purchased at either a guild supplier or tradecraft vendor. It’s up to you whether you want to craft or purchase the requested item.
- The optional rewards are the same among every tradecraft. For example, the level 10 Carpenter quest offers the same rewards as the level 10 Culinarian quest and so on. This does not apply to level 50 quests.
Level 1 – My First Chaser Hammer
Requires: 1 Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot components: 1 Wind Shard, 3 Copper Ore
Reward: 150 Wind Shard, 30 Copper Ore, Hempen Kurta
Level 5 – Gorgets Rising
Requires: 3 Copper Gorget
Copper Gorget components: 1 Fire Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 2 Copper Ingot, 1 Leather
Reward: 200 Wind Shard, 150 Fire Shard, Amateur’s Grinding Wheel
Optional reward: Hempen Bandana, Hempen Chausses, Maple Pattens
Level 10 – Throw Some Rings on It
Requires: 12 Copper Rings
Copper Rings components: 1 Wind Shard, 1 Copper Ingot
Reward: 250 Wind Shard, 200 Fire Shard, Bronze Chaser Hammer
Optional reward: Amateur’s Headgear, Amateur’s Kurta, Amateur’s Smithing Gloves
Level 15 – Objectively Speaking
Requires: 1 Fang Earrings, 1 Brass Gorget
Fang Earrings components: 1 Fire Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 1 Brass Ingot, 1 Hard Leather, 1 Bat Fang
Brass Gorget components: 1 Fire Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 2 Brass Ingot, 1 Hard Leather
Reward: Recruit’s Grinding Wheel
Optional reward: Hempen Doublet Vest of Crafting, Hard Leather Merchant’s Pouch, Ash Pattens
Level 20 – A Melding of Minds
Requires: 1 Staghorn Staff (melded with 1 materia)
Staghorn Staff components: 1 Fire Shard, 1 Wind Shard, 1 Marbled Eye, 2 Antelope Horn
Reward: Iron Chaser Hammer
Optional reward: Initiate’s Headgear, Initiate’s Gloves, Cotton Breeches of Crafting
Level 25 – Or Ever the Silver Cord Be Loosed
Requires: 1 Silver Ingot (HQ)
Silver Ingot components: 2 Wind Shard, 3 Silver Ore
Reward: Initiate’s Grinding Wheel
Optional reward: Silver Magnifiers, Initiate’s Gown, Velveteen Halfgloves
Level 30 – Serendipity Now
Requires: 1 Malachite Earrings (HQ)
Malachite Earrings components: 3 Fire Shard, 3 Wind Shard, 1 Silver Ingot, 2 Malachite
Reward: Steel Chaser Hammer
Optional reward: Velveteen Beret, Velveteen Gown, Velveteen Shortgloves
Level 35 – Mammets on Fire
Requires: 1 Fire Brand (HQ)
Fire Brand components: 3 Fire Shard, 4 Wind Shard, 1 Silver Ingot, 1 Eye of Fire, 1 Aldgoat Horn
Reward: Steel Ornamental Hammer
Optional reward: Mythril Magnifiers, Apprentice’s Smock, Linen Halfgloves
Level 40 – The Horns of the Green
Requires: 1 Horn Staff (HQ)
Horn Staff components: 4 Fire Shard, 5 Wind Shard, 1 Eye of Fire, 1 Aldgoat Horn, 2 Wolf Fang
Reward: Apprentice’s Grinding Wheel
Optional reward: Linen Deerstalker, Linen Smock, Boarskin Smithy’s Gloves
Level 45 – The Fox in the Hen House
Requires: 1 Electrum Circlet (Amber) (HQ), 1 Electrum Circlet (Spinel)(HQ), 1 Electrum Circlet (Zircon) (HQ)
Electrum Circlet (Amber) components: 5 Fire Shard, 6 Wind Shard, 3 Electrum Ingot, 1 Amber
Electrum Circlet (Spinel) components: 5 Fire Shard, 6 Wind Shard, 3 Electrum Ingot, 1 Spinel
Electrum Circlet (Zircon) components: 5 Fire Shard, 6 Wind Shard, 3 Electrum Ingot, 1 Zircon
Reward: Mythril Lapidary Hammer
Optional reward: Woolen Deerstalker, Woolen Smock, Raptorskin Smithy’s Gloves
Level 50 – Jaded
Requires: 1 Black Pearl Ring (HQ, melded with Piety III materia)
Black Pearl Ring components: 6 Fire Shard, 6 Wind Shard, 1 Electrum Ingot, 1 Black Pearl
Reward: Urcaguary
Optional reward: Goldsmith’s Turban, Goldsmith’s Gloves, Goldsmith’s Boots
(Check out all of FFXIV guides in Ashley’s Guide List for more guide things that may or may not be great!)
Published: Oct 15, 2013 11:34 AM UTC