Training dummies are a great way to practice your jobs’ rotations in FFXIV, so much so that players of even the highest skill levels do so during downtime. Now with the release of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, everyone’s trying to figure out the skill changes and new rotations. Whacking on training dummies is just a part of the program for now.
Where to Find Training Dummies in Final Fantasy XIV
There are two options when it comes to training dummies: you can use the ones found out in the overworld, or you can slap dummies in housing districts, whether on your property or not.
First up we’ll cover the training dummies out in the world, which is what most players will be using. You’ll want to use dummies that are at your level or lower, as using ones at a higher level will up your chances of attacks missing. Here’s the full list, as provided by FrogmanIsAGreatGuy on Reddit.
Level 1 Training Dummies
Central Shroud – The Bannock (X: 24.0, Y: 19.5) (X:23.4, Y: 20.5)
Middle La Noscea – Summerford Farm (X: 26.2, Y: 17.4)
Western Thanalan – Scorpion Crossing (X: 26.3, Y: 24.7) (X: 26.3, Y: 23.7)
Coerthas Central Highlands – Whitebrim Front (X: 13.1, Y: 17.1)
Level 50
Coerthas Central Highlands – Whitebrim Front (X: 13.5, Y: 16.8)
Coerthas Western Highlands – Falcon’s Nest (X: 31.5, Y: 38.7)
The Dravanian Forelands – Tailfeather (X: 32.7,Y: 24.7)
The Dravanian Hinterlands – The Collector’s Quarter (X: 22.8, Y: 16.7)
Level 60
The Fringes – Castrum Oriens (X: 9.9, Y: 11.8)
Yanxia – Namai (X: 31.0, Y: 16.5)
The Azim Steppe – Reunion (X: 34.0, Y: 27.0)
Level 70
The Lochs – Porta Praetoria (X: 10.5, Y:20.5)
There are also training dummies in Stone, Sea, and Sky, a training ground that lets you practice or raids and extreme trials. Here are those locations
Heavensward Practice: Goodly Adventurer – The Dravanian Hinterlands (X: 18.4, Y: 11.0)
Stormblood Practice: Battle-scarred Veteran – The Fringes (X: 30.0, Y: 11.3)
- The Lawns: Shadowbringers – Soft-faced Bloke – Kholusia (X:23.8 Y:37.8)
- The Burning Field: Endwalker – Hardy Looking Radiant – Radz-at-Han (X:12.3 Y:10.7)
Now finally if you want to place training dummies outside of your housing here’s how to get them; just keep in mind you’ll need a housing plot with a yard in order to do so.
Oriental Striking Dummy – Lvl 1: Carpenter Lvl 50, 3 Star craft
Glade Striking Dummy – Lvl 50: 180 Allied Seals – Adders Hunt Billmaster
Riviera Striking Dummy – Lvl 50: 180 Allied Seals – Maelstrom Hunt Billmaster
Oasis Striking Dummy – Lvl 50: 180 Allied Seals – Flames Hunt Billmaster
Alps Striking Dummy – Lvl 50: Carpenter Lvl 50, 3 Star craft
Old World Striking Dummy – Lvl 60: 300 Centurio Seals – Ardolain (Forgotten Knight, Foundation)
Faust Striking Dummy – Lvl 60: Armorer Lvl 60, 3 Star craft
Gyr Abanian Striking Dummy – Lvl 70: 5 Veteran’s Clan Mark Logs – Eschina (Rhalgr’s Reach)
That covers every Training Dummy in the world of Final Fantasy XIV. If you need any other help or tips, make sure to check out our FFXIV guides hub.
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Published: Dec 7, 2021 12:15 AM UTC