For those of you who are fans of the NieR series, as well as the other works of the game’s director Taro Yoko, you will probably already be aware that Yoko has a love of games with multiple endings. Even the series itself was spawned from the fifth alternate ending of Drakengard. But NieR: Automata takes it to another level with having 26 possible endings. Some are pretty straight forward, while others will require a bit more work and multiple playthroughs.
So let’s look at what you’ll have to do to achieve each one.
How to Get Every Ending in NieR: Automata
Ending A: flowers for m[A]chines
So the first ending is pretty straight forward. Just complete the game following the main quest line. This ending is told from 2B’s perspective.
Ending B: or not to [B]e
For this ending to come into effect, you must load the save file from your previous first time clear. Complete the game as normal. The difference being that this ending is told from 9S’s perspective.
Ending C: meaningless [C]ode
Once you’ve loaded up the previous save file and played through the game for a third time, when you get tot he last boss you need to choose A2 and then, when the credits start to roll, you need to deny the POD’s request.
Ending D: chil[D]hood’s end
As with the previous ending, this can only be obtained on the third playthrough. This time, choose 9S for the final battle. During the text portion of the confrontation, chose “I’ll go with you”.
Ending E: the [E]nd of YoRHa
This ending is a continuation of endings C and D, so it can only be obtained on the third playthrough as well. Select either A2 or 9S and when the credits starting rolling, accept the POD’s request. You will then be taken into a mini game that you will need to overcome. Doing so unlocks this ending.
Ending F: mission [F]ailed
For this ending, you need to hack the machine with attack units during the ending B playthrough. Just let the time run out while hacking.
Ending G: hun[G]ry for knowledge
After you have completed Ending A and start your next playthrough, when 9S gets to the cranes, just neglect the mission.
Ending H: a mountain too [H]igh
When the Goliath is in the city, just leave the area. This will abandon the mission.
Ending I: no [I] in team
Ending I can be obtained during your first playthrough. When you are in Copied City, you need to defeat the boss but instead of approaching 9S, just run away.
Ending J: bad [J]udgment
For this ending, you need to kill the Pastor during chapter 09-01_3.
Ending K: aji wo [K]utta
After speaking to Jackass at the Desert Camp, you will be given a Mackerel. Eating the fish will trigger this ending.
Ending L: [L]one wolf
This ending can be obtained two ways. The first option is during chapter 10-02, where all you need to do is run away from the sphere boss. Alternatively, in chapter 10-01_3, you can run away instead of saving the refugee camp.
Ending M: break ti[M]e
While playing as A2, do not go into Pascal’s village.
Ending N: [N]o man’s village
You can get this ending by killing peaceful villagers at Pascal’s village.
Ending O: just y[O]u and me
During the final battle, when planning ending C, run out of the area.
Ending P: corru[P]tion
On your third playthrough (ending C), have 2B die from the virus you acquire.
Ending Q: [Q]uestionable actions
During your Ending C playthrough, lose 2B as 9S.
Ending R: mave[R]ick
You need to be in chapter 14-05 for this ending. It entails killing the peaceful robots around Pascal.
Ending S: city e[S]cape
Leave Devola and Popola while they are protecting you as you hack the tower during your third playthrough.
Ending T: fa[T]al error
You get this ending when you remove you own OS chip.
Ending U: deb[U]nked
Destroy the Bunker by activating your own self-destruct mode.
Ending V: reckless bra[V]ery
While hacking the tower during chapter 17-01, join Devola and Popola in fighting the waves until they have used all their power and are exhausted.
Ending W: broken [W]ings
For this ending, you must die during the first mission.
Ending X: time to rela[X]
Don’t help 2B as A2 when they meet at the commercial center close to full virus contamination.
Ending Y: head[Y] battle
During the quest “Emil’s Determination”, allow Emil to self-destruct during the boss fight.
Ending Z: over[Z]ealous
You must destroy Pascal after you save her.
How many different endings have you managed to trigger? If you are having any trouble finding any then this guide should put you right!
Published: Mar 5, 2017 9:26 PM UTC