If you want to complete the game Muck‘s optional storyline and unlock the “I am Inevitable” achievement, you need to find the five gems of different colors that are protected by the Guardian bosses. This guide will provide you with tricks and tips on how to collect all five gems in Muck.
Typically, you would have to find the map of the shipwreck, repair it, find the map for the Guardian statues, and fight each and every Guardian to obtain the five gems. You can find all this information in our guide right here.
This guide offers you a much faster way of beating the Guardians, so keep on reading for all the secrets below.
Muck: How to Collect All 5 Gems
Before collecting the five gems you need to locate the five Guardians that drop the gems. If you use the seed 221294511, then your Guardians can be found on the spots indicated by the five colored markers on the map above.
Once you’ve located the five statues, you can start fighting the Guardians one by one. Usually, these bosses are quite hard to beat, especially the buffed versions, but fortunately, there is a much faster way to defeat them all.
The quickest, safest, and most efficient way of beating all five Guardians has been discovered by the Steam user Disco_Lizzard.
This unique method involves creating a simple wooden structure around the Guardian statues that consists of four enclosed walls and a set of stairs, as shown in the screenshot above.
When this is done, follow these steps to farm Guardians and the five gems:
- Activate the statue by standing on top of the wall (try not to fall down)
- Once the Guardian wakes up, he will not be able to move
- Keep hitting the Guardian from above
- If the Guardian tries to attack you, jump off the wall
- Go back up the wall and hit him again
You can use the strongest weapon in the game for hitting the Guardians, such as Night Blade. Repeat this simple process until the Guardian is dead. You can use this method on every Guardian on the map and soon you will have all five gems in your collection.
That’s all you need to know on how to collect all five gems in Muck game. If you’re looking for more Muck tips and tricks articles, then visit our dedicated hub page.
Published: Jul 9, 2021 8:29 AM UTC