Spring is in the air in The Sims Mobile. This seasonal event has you completing a series of Spring Egg Hunt quests to earn exclusive Easter-themed decorations, like a variety of decorative eggs and Bun Bun the Bunny. Be aware that these are only here for a limited time. If you want to complete The Sims Mobile quests as fast as possible, I wrote some tips that will help you to do so. Some of these can take a good bit of time, so unless you have a hefty surplus of cupcakes, it’s best to start now rather than later.
In order to complete this as fast as possible, it’s best to have all your Sims available and not doing other tasks. So before you get started, go ahead and finish up any events your Sims are already in the process of completing. Once all your Sims are standing at the ready, it’s time to hop to it!
Quest 1: Spring Cleaning
Quest 1 starts you off with a bit of spring cleaning. All you have to do here is click on a couch. There will be a blue option that comes up saying you can “Search for shelf.” Click on it and wait, and you’ve completed the quest!
Upon turning in the quest, you will be rewarded with the Cracking Good Shelf.
(Side Note: For some reason, the couches I chose for my home didn’t work, so if you ran into trouble like me, you can use the couch at the company office in downtown to complete this quest.)
Quest 2: Sticky Business
Quest 2 is completed by giving out stickers to other Sims. For most, this should be second nature, but if you haven’t used this feature yet, you give stickers simply by clicking on a Sim with a blue gem above their head, and choosing one of the three weekly stickers to give out. Once you do this three times, you’re good to go.
Quest 3: Keeping in Touch
Quest 3 has you completing relationship events with other Sims. The quickest way to do this is to invite a friend over to your house and complete a quick hangout. These events take about an hour, but you can get one done in about five minutes if you complete activities to speed things up. I would recommend doing two of these events at once to complete them as soon as possible.
Completing this quest rewards you with the Jelly Bean Dot Egg.
Quest 4: Catching Some Zzz’s
Quest 4 can be completed simply by taking a nap. Just go to your home and click on any bed, and the option to “Dream about hidden eggs” should appear. Complete the event and you’re good to move onto the next quest.
Quest 5: Getting to Work
Quest 5 requires you to complete three career events in order to progress. The quickest way to complete it is to have three of your Sims simultaneously work a quick shift at each of their places of work .
After all three are done working, you will be rewarded with the Skippy Zigzag Egg.
Quest 6: Party Time
Quest 6 is pretty simple. Just go to a party! You don’t have to do anything there; simply arrive, and the quest will be ready to turn in. You can go to a party by clicking the small arrow on the right side of the screen. This will open up a menu. Simply click the icon with the balloons, and a list of available parties that you can choose to attend will appear.
Quest 7: Collecting Tickets
Quest 7 can take a bit of time, depending on your luck. You need to earn a total of 10 Sims Tickets in order to progress. The way you earn Sims tickets is by completing relationship events like you did in Quest 3. However, there is a chance to get regular or super Sims tickets, and only regular ones satisfy the quest requirements, so the best way to ensure this gets done quickly is to have all your available Sims completing quick hangouts with their friends. The quick events reward five Sims Tickets each, so once two events successfully reward you with regular Sims Tickets, you’re good to move on.
This quest rewards you with the Springtime Stars Egg.
Quest 8: Ohh the New Vanity!
Quest 8 has you reflecting on your progress quite literally. You may run into some confusion because it asks you to complete an event at a vanity mirror. Luckily this isn’t a specific item, and you can simply use your bathroom sink/mirror to complete this quest. Simply click on the mirror and you will be presented with the option to “Reflect on egg hunt progress.” Click on the option and wait, and you’re good to move on.
Quest 9: Making Money
Quest 9 requires you earn a bit of money. All you have to do is earn 200 Simoleons. The quickest way to complete this task is to have two of your Sims complete quick shifts like you did in Quest 5. That should give you enough Simoleons to complete this quest.
After you’ve made some dough, you will be rewarded with the Pastel Diamond Egg.
Quest 10: Social Butterfly
Quest 10 requires you to make 3 new friends. Simply click on some Sims that you haven’t started a relationship with, add them to your contacts, then begin the Relationship Event “Begin a Friendship.”
The fastest way to do this is to use all available Sims and start new relationships simultaneously. Once all three “Begin a Friendship” events are completed, you can move on to the next quest!
Quest 11: More of the Same
Quest 11 is just a copy-paste of Quest 2. Simply give out three more stickers and you’re good to go.
Quest 12: Developing Relationships
Quest 12 can be a bit time-consuming, depending on how far you are in your relationship stories. Rather than just completing a friendship event, you are required to complete two relationship story chapters.
Given that you started three new friendships only two quests ago, the quickest way to do this is to level up these new relationships to level 3. Achieving level 3 unlocks a new relationship chapter in all relationships, so do this twice and you’re good to go.
This quest rewards you with the Bunny Hop Egg.
Quest 13: Decorating
Quest 13 has you get into the holiday spirit by requiring you to set out all of the decorative eggs you acquired from previous quests. Luckily, the first quest gave you a shelf to put them all on. Once they’re all out of your storage, simply click on each individual egg and choose the “admire decorative egg” option to complete the quest.
Quest 14: Career-driven Sim
Quest 14 is the final quest and can also be the most time-consuming, depending on where your Sims are in their Career Story. Similar to Quest 12, it has you completing Career Story Chapters as opposed to just completing a career event.
This can be a hassle if you’re in the later levels of your career, so your best best is to find the Sims with the lowest career level and level them up to the closest career chapter.
You can see what level they need to be in order to unlock the next career chapter by clicking the pink star at their work and looking at the grayed-out option at the top.
After you complete this event, you will receive Bun-Bun the Bunny.
And that’s that! You have successfully completed all of The Sims Mobile Spring Events! No you have some cute decorations for spring time and future Easters to come. And the items are only available for a limited time, so you’ll be able to show off to your friends who were lazy or got into The Sims Mobile late.
Published: Apr 1, 2018 10:12 PM UTC