Rare furniture in Palia can range from the most exquisite of beds to a flaming brazier. Getting these pieces can be a task, and they often require rare materials. This is how to get and craft rare furniture in Palia.
How to Obtain Rare Furniture in Palia
There are three ways to get rare furniture items in Palia. You can buy it, craft it, or stumble upon it while exploring. You need at least one rare item recipe to complete the weekly Furniture Making challenge, Craft Rare Furniture, and earn 30 skill coins.
Buy Rare Furniture
You can buy furniture of all rarities at Tish’s shop or in the Underground. You won’t be able to tell what the item rarity is when browsing what’s for sale. Only the name and price are shown. It’s best to have a list of what rare furniture pieces you’re looking for so you don’t accidentally buy the wrong thing.

You won’t get the recipe to craft the item, however. You only get the decor itself. I personally prefer to buy a recipe from the set and try to unlock the piece I want instead of outright buying it. That way I level up my furniture skill and can make multiple pieces versus having the single decor item.
Rare decor items can be sold by the vendors, such as Zeki or Reth, during Maji Market events. These are time limited and purchased with event currency.
Craft Rare Furniture

Crafting rare pieces is the fastest way to obtain them but possibly the most costly. Depending on the set you’re making, you can need Flow-Infused Planks, Palium Bars, and other rare materials. These all take time to find and process and then come to their final form.
If you’ve already got a stash of resources in storage, crafting rare furniture becomes a breeze. To get more rare or epic recipes, you need to craft items from the set, regardless of rarity. The more items you craft, the more chances you get of learning a rare plan through Inspiration.

Gifted or Found Rare Furniture
You can get a few decor items as rewards for completing quests. You can also find a variety of “Makeshift” furniture while fishing. Pieces of the Flotsam set can be found in Bahari Bay rummage piles. Zeki’s Lucky Machine carries the Valley Sunrise collection, which has a few rare pieces in it.
Completing event accomplishments can reward you with furniture items, which can be rare. Hitting level 10 in a skill grants you a trophy, which is a rare quality. Becoming level 4 friends with a villager earns you a rare decor item as a gift.
That’s how to get and craft rare furniture in Palia. Crafting and unlocking new recipes with inspiration is the easiest way to get rare plans. If you just need one piece, buying it can be the most efficient path, however. For more on Palia, including resource farming, check out our cozy guide hub.
Published: Mar 15, 2024 9:47 AM UTC