One of the most luck-based grinds in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is the hunt for rare endemic life. If you want to make that hunt just a tad easier on yourself, you’ll want to unlock a special food skill called Felynze Zoomaster. All you have to do is find a few canteen ingredients.
How to Get All the Ingredients for Felyne Zoomaster in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Finding all the ingredients for Felyne Zoomaster is liable to take you at least an hour, perhaps several, depending on your luck. You get three of the necessary from quests, and three you’ll have to spend time farming for, as they’re rare themselves. The quests you need to complete are part of the Grammeowster Chef’s questline. The other half of the ingredients can only be found by gathering from Frozen Foliage in the Hoarfrost Reach. To make matters more complicated, one of the ingredients is only available when Frozen Foliage is flourishing, which happens every few hunts.
The ingredients and their associated quests and locations are as follows:
- Glacial Vodka and Toasting Tequila: Complete the Nighty Night Nightshade quest, the second quest in the Grammeowster Chef questline.
- Simmering Spirit: The Simmer and Slice quest, the fourth 4th and final quest in the Grammeowster Chef questline.
- Crystal Quaff: Deliver Petalcryst rare plantlife, which is only available in Hoarfrost Reach during flourishing Frozen Foliage.
- Snowmelt Snifter: Deliver Moonlight Icebloom, which you farm from Frozen Foliage.
- Frostpeak Fizz: Deliver Snowpeak Icebloom, which you farm from Frozen Foliage.
Don’t go thinking that you don’t have to complete the first or third quests in Grammeowster Chef’s chain to get Felyne Zoomaster. You do, and you can’t skip them. You have to do all four quests to get your hands on these special canteen ingredients.
The first quest is called Trapping the Tree Trasher, and has you hunting a Banbaro. The third is a delivery quest of Twisted Stouthorn, which you receive from breaking a Diablos’ horn and either carving or capturing it.
How to Get Frozen Foliage

Frozen Foliage, as the name suggests, is only found in the Hoarfrost Reach. Your best bet for getting all the canteen ingredients you need is going on an expedition while Frozen Foliage is flourishing. Expeditions, as you probably know by now, have no time limit or objectives. You can do whatever you want for however long you want. Farming Frozen Foliage also doesn’t rely on a time of day or weather condition, so as long as it’s Flourishing, you have the best chance of getting what you need..
Your primary farming zones will be Area 7 and Area 15, where a total of nine patches of foliage grow. When they’re flourishing, you’ll only need to wait about five minutes or so between gathering.
How to Get Moonlight and Snowpeak Icebloom
Neither Moonlight nor Snowpeak Icebloom will take you too long to farm. You can collect either ingredient from any Frozen Foliage you encounter.

Moonlight Icebloom is relatively common, and you’re liable to get your hands on it within your first few gathers. Snowpeak Icebloom will take you more time. It’s a semi-rare gather, but you’ll know you’ve got it when your hunter digs excitedly twice and raises their arm high.
You’ll only need one instance of both plants. Once you have them, it’s time to move on to the tough part.
How to Find Petalcryst
The final ingredient on your list only appears during flourishing Frozen Foliage, and only in a single small cave in Area 2.

I only had luck finding petalcryst on the lower levels, and there’s still a chance you might not get it. Thankfully, the plants here respawn at the same rate as their non-cavebound counterparts.
Once you’ve managed to nab a sprig of petalcryst, you should have every ingredient you need to activate Felyne Zoomaster.
What Does Felyne Zoomaster Do in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne?
The short version is: Felyne Zoomaster increases the rate at which rare endemic life spawns whenever you’re on a hunt. Rare endemic life are some of the hardest-to-find creatures in all of Monster Hunter World, and anything that increases its spawn rate is welcome. Note that the food skill doesn’t guarantee the endemic life will spawn, only that the chances for it to do so are increased.
The increased spawn chance isn’t massive, either. I’ve run upwards of three or four Expeditions in a row with Zoomaster active and not seen the critter I was hunting for. Your luck might be better or it might be worse, like everything in this game. The easiest and quickest way to go about finding rare endemic life is to load into an Expedition with Zoomaster active, make your way to the endemic life’s location, and leave if it’s not. I know some creatures, like that damn jellyfish, take a solid five minutes to reach, but such is life in Iceborne.
That’s all you need to know about the Felyne Zoomaster skill in Monster Hunter: World Iceborne. Here are some other great Iceborne articles while you’re here Iceborne Greatsword Builds and Iceborne Monster Slogbone Farming Guide. Keep an eye on our Iceborne guide hub for even more.
Published: Apr 25, 2024 1:22 PM UTC