You can only get to the endgame in Stardew Valley by completing all achievement feats to perfection. However, thanks to update 1.6, you can get help reaching that 100% perfection score with Perfection Waivers. Here’s how to get Perfection Waivers in Stardew Valley.
What is Perfection in Stardew Valley?
Perfection is when you complete all the main objectives in the game, such as catching all types of fish, selling all types of crops, befriending all villagers, etc.

You can keep track of your Perfection achievements in Qi’s Walnut Room on the upper west side of Ginger Island. To gain entry, you’ll need 100 Walnuts, which can be found around the island. Then, interact with the purple cat screen on the right side. These are the achievements you’ll need to complete to reach Perfection:
All Produce & Forage Shipped | 145 |
All Obelisks on Farm (Earth, Water, Desert, Island) | 4 |
Build Golden Clock on Farm | 1 |
Complete all monster eradication goals for the Adventurer’s Guild | 12 |
Reach maximum hearts with every villager | 34 |
Reach level 10 in every skill (Mastery) | 25 |
Find all Stardrops | 7 |
Cook every recipe | 80 |
Craft all items | 129 |
Catch every fish | 67 |
Find all Golden Walnuts on Ginger Island | 130 |
Reaching 100% Perfection takes time and is essentially what you’re working for throughout Stardew Valley. Reaching the total percentage will unlock endgame possibilities, like access to The Summit, golden chicken eggs, the Statue of True Perfection, etc. If you’re struggling to work through all these tasks, you can now use Perfection Waivers to speed up the process.
Where to Get Perfection Waivers
If you’ve reached Perfection in previous playthroughs, you can use Perfection Waivers to help bypass some of the requirements your next time around. You will receive a letter from Fizz, Jojo Special Services Division, inviting you to meet him at the “Watery Cave” at Ginger Island.
Where to Find the “Watery Cave” on Ginger Island

The “Watery Cave” that Fizz refers to is the Mushroom Cave, where Professor Snail is initially trapped. The cave is at the Dig Site just east of the Field Office. You must fix the bridge by speaking to a parrot and paying Walnuts. Once Professor Snail is freed using an explosion to clear the cave entrance, the cave will be accessible.
After you’ve received the letter from Fizz, heading to this cave will allow you to purchase a Perfection Waiver from him for 500,000 Gold. The Perfection Waiver works like a wild card for your Perfection, letting you bypass specific challenges and increase your score by 1% each time.
Looking for more tips and tricks? Check out GameSkinny’s Stardew Valley guides hub for more content like this, such as How to Get Sea, River, and Cave Jelly or How to Get Multiple Pets!
Published: Mar 25, 2024 9:53 PM UTC