A big part of success in Knockout City is passing and doing it well. Here's how to do it and overcharge your ball.

How to Pass in Knockout City

A big part of success in Knockout City is passing and doing it well. Here's how to do it and overcharge your ball.

One of the most vital parts of teamwork in dodgeball is passing, and the same can be said in Knockout City. Shoveling the ball to a friend so they can make an attack, whether that be because you trust their aim more, or because they’ve got a better angle can make a world of a difference on the court. This guide will cover how to pass in Knockout City, as well as the benefits of passing. 

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Much like any other team-based game, teamwork is the key to success. While it’s certainly possible to win a game by relying only on your teammates’ and your own solo performances, a shred of teamwork and communication from the opposition can be enough to trump that with ease.

How to Pass the Ball

Passing the ball can be accomplished with a single button click. Simply face towards the teammate you would like to pass to, and press in the middle mouse button to toss the ball. If you’re playing on console, use the left bumper for Xbox, L1 for PlayStation, or L on the Nintendo Switch.

Some PC players are finding the middle click to be an awkward button to use frequently, so feel free to bind it to a separate button if you too find it awkward.

Throwing a pass to a teammate may not seem too enticing yet. After all, what do you gain from having your teammate try to throw the knockout instead of yourself? Well, when you pass a ball to a teammate, you will overcharge the dodgeball. This means that when your recipient teammate takes their shot, the throw will go significantly faster than usual, making it harder for your opponent to catch or dodge. With good communication, your teammate can also curve this shot to make an absolutely devastating attack, that few opponents will be able to survive.

It can certainly be hard to let up a potential knockout to let your teammate have it, but if your goal is to win, passing first is almost always the smarter option. If you and a teammate have both got your eyes locked on the same opponent, and your teammate is empty-handed, tossing them your ball instead of taking the shot yourself will significantly improve the odds of scoring a point for your team. To win, you have to play selflessly.

Perhaps you want to fake a pass to a teammate to make your opponent look the wrong way. If you want to do this, simply make a fake throw while looking at your teammate. If your opponent falls for it, then you can make the easy knockout as they shift their gaze to your friend.

Be sure to vary your strategy with regards to passing and throwing, so that your opponents don’t figure you out. This is key in mastering Knockout City, but it’s not the only thing you’ve got to wrangle with to pump up your skills. Check out our other Knockout City guides to help your game.

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