Units are moving around and shooting on the streets of Infection Free Zone
Image via Games Operators

Infection Free Zone: All Console Commands and Cheats

Here's a complete list of all console commands and cheats for Infection Free Zone.

Since Infection Free Zone is still in Early Access, not all features function as intended, so it would be a great idea to use console commands to make the experience less frustrating. Here, I list all console commands and cheats for Infection Free Zone, including tips on how to activate the console.

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All Console Commands and Cheats in Infection Free Zone

Activating a console and in-game cheats isn’t as easy and straightforward in Infection Free Zone as it is in many other games. Here’s how I suggest you do it:

  1. Start the game and load your save file.
  2. Press the “~” (tilde) key on your keyboard.
  3. Press one of the following keys to activate the console: W, A, S, or D.
  4. Press the “?” icon on the bottom right of the menu.
  5. Select the “Enable Cheats” feature from the list.
  6. Ignore the bug report that will appear afterward.
  7. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 to activate the console again, this time without the error.

If you wish to exit cheat mode, simply right-click after exiting the debug menu. Note that all commands execute after exiting the debug menu.

Console Commands for Building

AdaptBuildingAdapts a building to a shelter or a cookhouse.Left click on a building.
CreateFarmLandBuilds a crop field.– Select and click “bld_farm”.
– Exit the debug mode and build.
CreateGateBuilds a gate.– Select a type of gate.
– Exit the debug mode and build.
CreateWallBuilds a wall.– Select a type of wall.
– Exit the debug mode and build.

Console Commands for Events

CompleteActiveMissionsCompletes all active missions.Select all missions.
EndMissionEnds a mission.Select a mission.
StartActionStarts an action.Select an action.
StartEventStarts an event.Select an event.
StartMissionStarts a mission.Select a mission.
StartTransmissionStarts an incoming transmission.Select a transmission.
Units are climbing on a building in Infection Free Zone
Image via Games Operators

Console Commands for Adding Items

AddMoodModifierAdds a mood boost.Select and add X times.
AddResearchProgressPointsAdds points to your current research.Select and add X points.
AddResourcesToBuildingAdds a resource to a building.– Select a resource and X amount.
– Press Enter.
– Exit debug menu.
– Click on a building.
AddResourcesToHqAdds a resource to your HQ.– Select a resource and X amount.
– Press Enter.
– Exit debug menu.
AddScientificMaterialsAdds books used for research.Select and add X amount.
AddWorkersToHqAdds workers to the your HQ.Select and add X workers.

Console Commands for Removing Items

DestroyResourceCursorRemoves a dropped item.– Select a dropped item.
– Exit debug menu and click on it.
KillAllGroupsRemoves all groups.Select all groups.
KillWorkerRemoves a worker.Select a worker.
RemoveMoodModifierRemoves morale by X%.Select and add X amount.
RemoveResourcesFromHqRemoves a resource from your HQ.Select a resource.
ClearStockroomsRemoves all items from all storages.Select all storages.

Console Commands for Unlocking

ScavengeAllBuildingsUnlocks all buildings and shows all items in them.Select all buildings.
SetDayChanges the date.Select and add X amount. (Max 9999)
SetHourChanges the time.Select and add X amount.
SetSoldierHpChanges the HP of a soldier.Select a soldier and add X HP.
ShowAllGroupsUnlocks all squads.Select all squads.
ShowAllVehiclesUnlocks all vehicles.Select all vehicles.
StartWeatherFogUnlocks fog.Select and type true.
UnlockContentUnlocks all unlockable items and buildings.Select content.
UnlockResearchTypeUnlocks a research.Select a Research Project.
Main HQ buildings highlighted in Infection Free Zone
Image via Games Operators

Console Commands for Spawning

CreateResourceCursorSpawns a resource on the ground.– Select a resource.
– Exit debug menu.
SpawnBigSquadAtCursorSpawns a vehicle with a 16-man squad.– Select a vehicle.
– Exit debug menu.
SpawnGroupAtCursorSpawns a group of units with weapons.– Select X amount of units.
– Select a weapon.
– Type 1.
SpawnGroupInBuildingSpawns a group of units in a building.– Select X amount of units.
– Select a weapon.
– Type 1.
SpawnImmigrantsSpawns immigrants on the map.Select a map.
SpawnImmigrantsAcceptSpawns immigrants on the map accepted to your community.Select a map.
SpawnRandomSquadSpawns a random squad.Select a squad.
SpawnSquadAtSpawns a squad at coordinates.– Select a squad.
– Type coordinates.
– Add x amount.
– Select a vehicle.
SpawnSquadAtCursorSpawns a squad where your click.– Click on the map.
– Select vehicles.
SpawnVehicleSpawns a vehicle.– Select a vehicle.
– Exit debug menu.

Console Commands for Debugging

ChangeLanguageChanges a language.Select a language.
HideFPSHides your FPS counter.None.
SaveGameSaves your game.None.
SetFpsLimitSets an FPS limit.Add X amount.
SetResolutionSets your screen resolution.Add X amount.
SetTimeSpeedSets the speed of the gameplay (e.g. F1, F2, F3)Add X amount.

That’s it for my list of all console commands and cheats for Infection Free Zone. Stay tuned for more IFZ tips and tricks articles here at GameSkinny.

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Image of Serhii Patskan
Serhii Patskan
Contributing Writer
Serhii is the Writer at GameSkinny. He's been writing for GameSkinny since 2015. Before that, he's been writing for various outlets and playing video games, which eventually turned into a passion. The video games that have contributed the most to his enthusiasm for writing about this industry are Magic: The Gathering, Dark Souls, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.