One of Luigi’s Mansion 3’s biggest attractions is the return of boss ghosts with unique personalities, such as the Portrait Ghosts. One of the trickiest is Polterkitty, also known as Polter Kitty. It’s a multi-part fight spanning two floors and some deadly hide-and-seek. Here, I’ll cover how to find and beat Polterkitty.
How to Find Polterkitty in Luigi’s Mansion 3
Poor Luigi just wants to collect elevator buttons, but the hotel ghosts have different plans. This time around, it’s Polterkitty who steals the elevator button for Floor 9 after you finish the Godzilla-adjacent battle on the Production Floor. From here, you’ll need to track Polterkitty down and start the boss fight.
Polterkitty’s first location is on Floor 8 (Paranormal Productions), in the Fire Set, under the bench. If you’re having trouble finding it, just use the Dark Light function on Luigi’s flashlight to uncover its spectral tracks.
Examine the furniture like you would any other object, and out pops Polterkitty, none too happy to see you. It transforms immediately. This begins the first round of the Polterkitty boss fight in Luigi’s Mansion 3. As mentioned, it’ll be a multi-floor battle from Floor 8 to Floor 7, Floor 13, Floor 12, and finally, Floor 11.
Tips to Defeat Polterkitty in Luigi’s Mansion 3
Polterkitty in Luigi’s Mansion 3 acts a lot like a Boo. You can’t face or attack it directly. Otherwise, it will run away. Instead, face the other way, and Polterkitty will stalk you.

When Polterkitty rears back, ready to strike, you need to turn around, charge the Strobulb by holding “A,” and then release to stun Polterkitty, the same as with other ghosts.
If you find the timing difficult, you can always position Gooigi behind Luigi, facing Polterkitty, and quickly switch control to Gooigi. Polterkitty doesn’t pay Gooigi any attention, so you don’t need to worry about him getting harmed.
The ensuing fight plays out the same as with other ghosts as well — latch onto Polterkitty with the Poltergust, pull the opposite direction, Slam, and repeat.
You’ll need to do this three times. Each time, you pull off one of Polterkitty’s tails, but after the first phase, Polterkitty retreats to the Backstage area and then moves on to Floor 7 after you find it there.
Where to Find Polterkitty on Floor 7
Polterkitty’s first hideout location on Floor 7 is the Blooming Suite on Floor 7, in the wardrobe. Like before, use the Dark Light if you’re having trouble finding it. Suck up the leaves blocking the wardrobe, reveal Polterkitty, and shine the light on the flower it retreats to. Once you trigger the fight, face away to get Polterkitty to stalk you and pull off its tail.
After this phase of the Polterkitty boss fight, the spectral feline goes to the Ivy Bathroom on Floor 7. It’s lurking in the faucets, and depending on what you did the first time you were here, you might need to repair the pipes under the floor to flush Polterkitty out.

To do that, use Luigi and Gooigi to move the giant watermelon out of the way, then use the Dark Light to uncover a hidden drain on the floor. Send Gooigi into the drain, uncover a vanished pipe beneath the floor with the Dark Light, and turn the taps on with Luigi back above ground.
Polterkitty escapes this fight, and you’ll encounter it again after defeating Johnny Deepend on Floor 13, as Luigi tries to make his way to Floor 14. This time around, though, the Polterkitty fight spans three floors: 13, 12, and 11.
Where to Find Polterkitty on Floor 13
Onto the next portion of the Polterkitty Luigi’s Mansion 3 fight. It first hides in the boxing bag in Floor 13’s Weight Room. You’ll need to use a suction shot to launch one of the boxing gloves into the bag. Afterward, you don’t actually fight Polterkitty and are, instead, forced to face off against a horde of ghosts while Polterkitty watches.
After your victory, follow Polterkitty’s tracks into the weight room. You’ll enter a reception-type area and see Polterkitty dangling from a bar overhead. When it lowers itself, flash it with the Strobulb to start the fight.
Where to Find Polterkitty on Floor 12
Follow Polterkitty down to Floor 12, The Spectral Catch, and trace it to the beach area. After clearing out the enemies already there for convenience, check out the barrel in the middle of the sand. Polterkitty leaps out, and the fight begins again after you successfully flash it with the Strobulb.

Where to Find Polterkitty on Floor 11
Make your way down to Floor 11 after that and follow Polterkitty to the room with the hats. It’s hiding under one of them and runs off to the stage room after you uncover it. Use Luigi’s special jump (“ZL”+ “ZR”) to lift multiple hats at once.
Polterkitty is in the casket on stage that has swords sticking into it. You’ll need to use Luigi and Gooigi to fire a plunger shot at each front panel, then pull them off simultaneously. The fight commences, and at last, you capture Polterkitty and can go up to Floor 14.
It’s a lengthy process, but that’s all you need to know about how to find and beat Polterkitty in Luigi’s Mansion 3. If Polterkitty isn’t appearing at any point, try restarting your game to fix the issue. Be on the lookout for our other Luigi’s Mansion 3 guides on GameSkinny, including our boo locations guide and part one of our gems guide.
Published: Nov 4, 2019 4:13 PM UTC