Big Chunk is the first big boss that players may encounter in the survival game Muck. This giant stone golem is very dangerous, so you’ll need to be prepared before taking him on. This guide will provide you with tips and tricks on how to beat Big Chunk in Muck.
This boss drops some great loot. If you manage to defeat him, you will also unlock the David vs. Goliath achievement, which has been added in the latest update 3.
How to Beat Big Chunk in Muck
Prepare for the Fight
Big Chunk is a boss that is made entirely of stone, which makes him weak to blunt weapons, and especially to a pickaxe. The stronger pickaxe you have, the more damage you will deal to Big Chunk.
The first thing you need to do is craft an Adamantite Pickaxe, which is the strongest pickaxe in the game:
- 10x Oak Wood
- 5x Bark
- 10x Adamantite Bar
This weapon will deal 40 damage with each hit, which can quickly kill even the buffed version of Big Chunk.
You also need to protect yourself from getting damaged by his attack. The Adamantite Armor is the best choice for this purpose, as it provides the best protection.
Adamantite Armor can be crafted in an anvil, just like pickaxe, using the following recipe:
- Helmet: 5x Adamantite Bar
- Chestplate: 15x Adamantite Bar
- Pants: 15x Adamantite Bar
- Boots: 5x Adamantite Bar
Once your gear and weapon are ready, you need to hoard some important upgrades that will help you greatly in defeating Big Chunk, such as:
- Blue pills
- Red pills
- Dumbbells
- Jetpacks
- Crimson Dagger
- Horseshoe
- Sniper Scope
- Knuts Hammer
- Wings of Glory
- Berserk
You may not find all of these in loot crates, but you could really benefit from Sniper Scope. Although it was been nerfed in the last update, it is still quite powerful. Every third strike will add so much damage to your hits.
Also, you need to find as many Jetpacks as you can. The higher you can jump, the less damage Big Chunk will be able to deal to you, since all his attacks are directed at the ground.
Fight Big Chunk
Big Chunk is quite slow, which you can use to your benefit during the fight, but his attacks are heavy, so learn all his patterns before starting a fight. As always, the fight with Big Chunk can be initiated after interacting with his statue.
This boss has three main attack phases:
- Big Slam
- Sweep
- Jump Slam
The first attack can be deadly, but it is easy to avoid. He will slam the ground with his stone club, which will cause many stone projectiles shoot out in the direction of the ground slam. As soon as he swings the club, move sideways and go behind him to strike his legs and feet with your pickaxe.
The second attack is very similar to the Bob the Dragon’s attack, where he sweeps the area in a semi-circular way. This time you need to either jump backwards, or quickly move behind his back using jetpacks. The last one is more useful, as you can use this position to deal more damage to him.
The third attack is the most dangerous, mostly because you can’t dodge it. Big Chunk will jump into the air and land on his feet throwing stone projectiles in all directions. The best way to avoid this attack is to find some sort of cover, such as hiding behind tightly packed trees or the hills.
This also means that choosing the area. Where you fight Big Chunk could play a role in your victory, so try to look out for a hilly area. Lastly, you can carry a bow with arrows to be able to hit him from behind the cover.
Once Big Chunk is defeated he will drop the following items depending on your luck:
- Coin (50-100): 100%
- Rock (25-50): 100%
- Iron Ore (10-25): 80%
- Chunkium Ore (5-20): 50%
- Ancient Core: 33%
- Mithril Ore (10-25): 30%
- Hammer Shaft: 10%
That’s all you need to know on how to beat Big Chunk in the game Muck. For more Muck tips and tricks articles, please visit our dedicated hub page.
Published: Jul 13, 2021 2:24 PM UTC