Palia has a delightful cast of NPCs that you can befriend. For those searching for a deeper connection, there are more than a handful of romaceable characters that you can date. Each has their own likes, weekly wants, and friendship stories you need to complete before you can take things to the next level. Here are all romance options in Palia
All Romance Options in Palia
There are 10 romance options in Palia. And you don’t need to be pinned down to one person because of the game’s open-ended dating mechanics, which lets you go steady with multiple characters. Going out with an NPC comes with its own storyline and quests, so you can see all the stories before you decide who to woo. If you need help figuring out how to start dating a romanceable character, we have a whole Romance Guide to get you going.
Romance Option 1: Einar
Einar is a Galdur, a living robot who embodies multiple Onenesses. He’s the fishing expert of Kilima Village, which allows him to focus on his Oneness day in and day out.
Einar Likes
- Any Fish
- Any Crab
- Any Shiny Pebble
- Flow-Infused Plank
Romance Option 2: Hassian
Hassian is in charge of the Hunting guild and would rather be alone in the woods than talking with others. If you can get past his gruff nature, he’s sure to be sweet deep down.
Hassian Likes
- Flint
- Brightshroom
- Chapaa Fur
- Sernuk Hide
- Sernuk Antler
- Silk Thread
- Spotted Chapaa Tail
- Standard Arrow
- Leather
- Sernuk Noodle Stew
- Proudhorn Sernuk Antler
- Azure Chapaa Tail
- Dispel Arrow
- Iron Bar

Romance Option 3: Hodari
Hodari is the head of the Mining Guild and father to Najuma. He’s a shy man who gradually opens up to you as you get to know him. You’ll need to go the extra mile to work your way into his heart, though.
Hodari Likes
- Flow-Infused Wood
- Heartwood
- Iron Ore
- Copper Ore
- Steak Dinner
- Blue Marlin
- Azure Chapaa Tail
- Striped Chapaa Tail
- Chapaa Fur
- Palium Ore
- Palium Bar
- Sernuk Antlers
- Elder Sernuk Antlers
- Proudhorn Sernuk Antlers
- Hot Hounts
- Chili Oil Dumplings
Romance Option 4: Jel
Jel brings big-city designs to Kilima as the owner of the clothing shop. He’s Tish’s best friend and often asks for natural items to inspire him.
Jel Likes
- Sundrop Lily
- Crystal Lake Lotus
- Fabric
- Silk
- Bat Ray
- Barracuda
- Willow Lampray
- Pearl
- Green Pearl
Romance Option 5: Jina
Jina is the first person you meet when you arrive in Palia. She’s training to be an archaeologist and currently writing on human reappearances for her studies. You’ll often find her in the ruins with Hekla, her Galdur companion.
Jina Likes
- Any Mushroom
- Heat Root
- Wagon Wheel
- Flint
- Cotton
- Cotton Seed
- Mutated Angler
- Dari Cloves
- Mushroom Soup
- Rainbow-Tipped Butterfly
- Radiant Sunfish
Romance Option 6: Kenyatta
Kenyatta is the daughter of the mayor and works at the front desk. She does all she can to annoy her mother. Currently, she’s been dating Nai’o, but you can still catch her fancy if you impress her.
Kenyatta Likes
- Creamy Carrot Soup
- Briar Daisy
- Brushtail Dragonfly
- Pearl
- Silk Thread
- Chapaa Fur
- Sernuk Hide
- Sernuk Antler
- Knapweed
- Crystal Lake Lotus
- Inky Dragonfly
- Proudhorn Sernuk Antler
- Meaty Stir Fry
- Leafstalker Mantis
- Alligator Gar
- Fairy Mantis
Romance Option 7: Nai’o
Nai’o is the older brother of Auni. You can find him at the family farm outside of town or near the mayor’s house during the day. He’s infatuated with Kenyatta, but you may be able to steal his affections.
Nai’o Likes
- Rice Seed
- Stone Brick
- Chapaa Fur
- Sernuk Hide
- Sernuk Antler
- QualityUp Fertilizer
- Wagon Wheel
- Wheat Seed
- HydratePro Fertilizer
- Iron Bar
- Steak Dinner
- Blueberry Jam
- Stalking Catfish
Romance Option 8: Reth
Reth is the resident cook of Ormuu’s Horn. He’s a fun-loving, lettuce soup-cooking guy. If you jive with his passion for cooking, this romance may just heat up.
Reth Likes
- Garlic
- Potato
- Onion
- Sweet Leaf
- Grilled Meat
- Creamy Carrot Soup
- Ramen
- Sernuk Noodle Stew
- Vegetable Soup
- Sernuk Meat
- Yellow Perch
- Apple Jam
- Cream of Tomato Soup
- Dari Cloves
- Apple

Romance Option 9: Tamala
Tamala is a mysterious woman who lives in the forest of Bahari Bay. Many of the other villagers will warn you to stay away from her. You may just fall under her spell if you like her witchy vibes, however.
Tamala Likes
- Emerald Carpet Moss
- Chapaa Fur
- Copper Ore
- Iron Ore
- Spice Sprouts
- Sernuk Hide
- Sernuk Antler
- Brightshroom
- Kilima Night Moth
- Garden Millipede
- Radiant Sunfish
- Long-Nosed Unicorn Fish
- Shimmerfin
- Leafstalker Mantis
Romance Option 10: Tish
Tish is Reth’s sister and owner of the furniture shop in town. She’s the carpenter that first gives you your building plans and offers a variety of options for customizing your home.
Tish Likes
- Clay
- Shell
- Sundrop Lily
- Dawnray
- Sernuk Antler
- Sernuk Hide
- Elder Sernuk Antler
- Coral
- All Treasure Chests
- Heartwood Plank
- Pearl
- Green Pearl
- Silk Thread
- Blueberry Pie
Those are all the romance options in Palia. More romaceable characters are sure to be added as the game expands, especially since new NPCs were mentioned in the content roadmap. For help on becoming friends and dating NPCs, check out our guides hub, where we tell you how to make money fast, as well as how to get focus, among other useful tips.
Published: Aug 23, 2023 10:01 PM UTC