A few weeks after the drop of the announcement trailer for Pokemon Legends: Z-A, we’ve unpacked much of what’s to come in the developing entry. There’s no shortage of fan theories making their rounds, most of which relate to the Kalos region’s lore and its 3,000-year-old king, AZ.
Amidst the uncertainty, one thing’s for sure: Many of the region’s Pokemon will be making a comeback. So, I’ve dissected the footage, and I’ve put together a list of all the Pokemon sets to appear in Legends: Z-A so far.
All Pokemon in Legends: Z-A So Far

In the teaser trailer for Pokemon Legends: Z-A, you follow Pikachu through an animated blueprint of Lumiose City. Along the way, a long list of Kalos Pokemon can be seen in the wild, walking alongside trainers and battling. For the most part, many of the species featured seem to be colored in a way that reflects their typing and traditional coloration, which makes it easy to identify the following Pokemon and their evolutions.
Pikachu | Electric |
Raichu | Electric |
Pichu | Electric |
Litleo | Fire/Normal |
Pyroar | Fire/Normal |
Flabebe | Fairy |
Floette | Fairy |
Florges | Fairy |
Klefki | Steel/Fairy |
Furfrou (all styles) | Normal |
Fletchling | Normal/Flying |
Fletchinder | Fire/Flying |
Talonflame | Fire/Flying |
Dratini | Dragon |
Dragonair | Dragon |
Dragonite | Dragon/Flying |
Staryu | Water |
Starmie | Water/Psychic |
Hawlucha | Fighting/Flying |
Magikarp | Water |
Gyarados | Water/Flying |
Hippopotas | Ground |
Hippowdon | Ground |
Skiddo | Grass |
Gogoat | Grass |
Emolga | Electric/Flying |
Absol | Dark |
Eevee | Normal |
Flareon | Fire |
Vaporeon | Water |
Jolteon | Electric |
Umbreon | Dark |
Espeon | Psychic |
Leafeon | Grass |
Glaceon | Ice |
Sylveon | Fairy |
Honedge | Steel/Ghost |
Doublade | Steel/Ghost |
Aegislash | Steel/Ghost |
Sandile | Ground/Dark |
Krokorok | Ground/Dark |
Krookodile | Ground/Dark |
Pinsir | Bug |
Heracross | Bug/Fighting |
Bellsprout | Grass/Poison |
Weepinbell | Grass/Poison |
Victreebel | Grass/Poison |
Onix | Rock/Ground |
Steelix | Steel/Ground |
Best Guesses

At the tail-end of the footage, the shot pans inward too quickly to make out some of the Pokemon in the final scene. After pausing and replaying the video and then double-checking the existing Kalos Pokedex, I’m fairly confident these Pokemon will also make an appearance in Legends Z-A. Of course, these are just my best guesses based on unclear visuals, so take them with a grain of salt.
Noibat | Flying/Dragon |
Noivern | Flying/Dragon |
Spinarak | Bug/Poison |
Ariados | Bug/Poison |
Pancham | Fighting |
Pangoro | Fighting/Dark |
Larvitar | Rock/Ground |
Pupitar | Rock/Ground |
Tyranitar | Rock/Dark |
For now, these are the Pokemon you can expect to add to your Pokedex in Legends: Z-A, along with a handful of informed guesses. We’re bound to see more species featured in upcoming game trailers and official artwork, though, so the list is sure to grow. As we await more news on the next Legends entry, check out how Z-A was referenced back in Legends: Arceus and my working theory that Galar might be the next destination for the series.
Published: Mar 22, 2024 3:48 PM UTC