The newest DLC has finally brought back fan favorite Pokemon we haven’t had access to for years. The nostalgic among us can finally bring your first pal along for your adventure. Here, I’ll show you how to get the Kanto Starters in the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Indigo Disk DLC.
How do You Unlock the Kanto Starters in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Indigo Disk DLC?
Before you can catch the very first starters, you’ll have to play through the main story of the Indigo Disk DLC. Shortly into the intro, you’ll gain access to the League Club Room and the ability to collect Battle Points (BP), a new type of currency for the DLC.

You can spend BP to upgrade different aspects of the game, but you’ll need to buy an upgrade from one of the Terarium Club’s options. These allow new Pokemon to spawn in the different regions of the map, such as the starters, Smeargle, and Trapinch. Each Terarium Club boost will cost 3,000 BP, so I’m afraid you’ll need to grind for the points.
Best Way to Farm Battle Points (BP)
You can get BP by completing the Blueberry Quests. These are easy and can be completed by playing the game normally. You’ll be tasked to pick up several items or travel a certain distance. After you complete 10 quests, you’ll receive a big quest that can be worth anywhere from 100-200 BP. So the best way to farm BP is to quickly finish 10 quests and do the big quests when they’re given to you.

I found that the best way to get through these quests is to do them at the same time when you can. Whenever I was quested to sneak up on a Pokemon and had another quest to catch a Pokemon, I would do them at once. to check what quests you have just press right on the D-pad.
Where to Find All of the Kanto Starters

Each Kanto starter in the Indigo Disk DLC will be found in a different biome on the map. If you want all of the starters, you’ll need to purchase multiple Terrarium Club Boosts.
- Bulbasaur: Coastal Biome Boost.
- Squirtle: Canyon Biome Boost.
- Charmander: Savannah Biome Boost.
I found that the best way to catch the starters is with a Quick Ball, which has a x5 catch rate on the first turn. If you don’t catch a starter on the first turn, just run away and try again. It shouldn’t take long.
Other Kanto Starters Unlocked After Biome Boost
The different Biome Boosts will also allow you to catch Starters from other generations like the Johto Starters.
Savannah Biome
- Charmander
- Totodile
- Snivy
- Fennekin
- Rowlet
- Sobble
Coastal Biome
- Bulbasaur
- Chickorita
- Mudkip
- Froakie
- Popplio
- Grookey
Polar Biome
- Cyndaquil
- Torchic
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Oshawott
- Scorbunny
Canyon Biome
- Squirrel
- Treecko
- Turtwig
- Tepig
- Chespin
- Litten
That’s how to get the Kanto Starters in the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Indigo Disk DLC. If you’re looking for more tips and tricks, check out our dedicated guides hub with more Indigo Mask articles.
Published: Dec 15, 2023 7:32 PM UTC