The Teal Mask DLC for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet offers a host of new and familiar Pokemon to register to your Kitakami Pokedex. To evolve returning Pokemon like Nuzleaf and Weepinbell, you’ll need to know how to get your hands on the mossy-colored Leaf Stone in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Teal Mask.
Where to Get the Leaf Stone in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Teal Mask

You could spend hours scouring the land of Kitakami for a Leaf Stone and still come up empty-handed. Believe me, I tried. That said, the best way to pocket one of these essential stones is to travel back to the Paldea region and visit Delibird Presents.
You’ll find chain locations in several cities, including Mesagoza, Levincia, and Cascarrafa. Inside, you can purchase a Leaf Stone for 3,000 Poke Dollars from the General Goods section. This is a fair price, considering how rarely these items are found elsewhere.
If you’re short on money, you can sell high-priced items like Nuggets or Pearls. And if you pick up items as you run around Kitakami, you should have a few of these already.
With a bit of patience, you may also find a Leaf Stone lying on the ground in Tagtree Thicket of the Paldea region. If you collect enough discarded items, you’re bound to pick one up at some point. It didn’t take me long to get one.
How to Use the Leaf Stone to Evolve Pokemon

Like other evolution items, the Leaf Stone can only be used on compatible Pokemon. Under the right circumstances, certain Pokemon will evolve when exposed to the stone. Accounting for those available in the base games and the Teal Mask DLC, this now includes exactly five Pokemon:
- Eevee > Leafeon
- Exeggcute > Exeggutor
- Gloom > Vileplume
- Nuzleaf > Shiftry
- Weepinbell > Victreebel
It’s a short list, yes. However, you’ll need to catch and evolve each of these Pokemon to complete your Kitakami Pokedex. This will help your cause if you’re hoping to obtain Bloodmoon Ursaluna, as well. Not to mention, each Pokemon makes an excellent addition to any team. And Leafeon deserves some recognition as an underrated “eeveelution.”
That’s all there is to getting a Leaf Stone in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Teal Mask. Check out our guides hub for more tips on your journey through Kitakami in The Teal Mask DLC for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
Published: Sep 16, 2023 9:28 PM UTC