Rocket League is an amazingly fun and complex game with an incredibly simple concept, and one of the things that makes it so entertaining (and addictive) are the cosmetics unlocks — things like decals, antennas, car designs, wheels, rocket trails, and more.
You’ll eventually unlock all the cosmetics just by playing (with the exception of some beta tester rewards), but here’s a quick rundown of Rocket League‘s cosmetics unlocks so you can see what you’re in for.
Rocket League features eleven different vehicles (including Sweet Tooth, a PS4 exclusive) that are unlocked on match completion:
- Backfire
- Breakout
- Gizmo
- Hotshot
- Merc
- Octane
- Paladin
- Road Hog
- Venom
- X-Devil
- Sweet Tooth (To unlock, win a game with all of the other vehicles.)
Rocket League also features a whole slew of cosmetics unlocks in the form of decals to spiffy up your rocket car:
- Dots
- Flames
- Lightning
- Skulls
- Stars
- Stripes
- Wings
And if that weren’t enough, wheels as cosmetic unlocks are available too, 25 of them, if you want some sweet rims while you’re rocketing around the arena:
- Alchemist
- Almas
- Bender
- Dieci
- Falcon
- Foreman
- Invader
- Lowrider
- Lucci
- Mountaineer
- Neptune
- Octavian
- Rat Rod
- Spyder
- Stallion
- Stern
- Sunburst
- Sweet Tooth
- Tempest
- Tomahwak
- Trahere
- Tunica
- Veloce
- Vortex
Rocket Trails
The next nifty cosmetics unlocks are rocket trails, which blast out from your vehicle when you use your boosts. There are 36 different trails for you to choose from:
- Bubbles
- Confetti
- Datastream
- Flamethrower
- Flamthrower Blue
- Flamethrower Green
- Flamethrower Pink
- Flamethrower Purple
- Flamethrower Red
- Flowers
- Grass
- Hydro
- Ion Blue
- Ion Green
- Ion Pink
- Ion Purple
- Ion Red
- Ion Yellow
- Money
- Plasma
- Rainbow
- Sacred
- Slime
- Snowflakes
- Sparkles
- Standard Blue
- Standard Pink
- Standard Purple
- Standard Red
- Standard Yellow
- Thermal
- Thermal Blue
- Thermal Green
- Thermal Pink
- Thermal Purple
- Thermal Yellow
If collecting hats in Team Fortress 2 doesn’t scratch your headgear itch, Rocket League has you covered. You can collect up to 18 topper collectibles to slap on the roof of your vehicle.
- Bobby Helmet
- Brünnehilde
- Cherry Top
- Devil Horns
- Fez
- Fire Helmet
- Halo
- Hard Hat
- Mariachi Hat
- Pirate’s Hat
- Pizza Topper
- Propellerhead
- Royal Crown
- Sombrero
- Taxi Topper
- Top Hat
- Witch’s Hat
- Wizard Hat
Finally, Rocket League lets you customize your antenna with flags, doodads, and other fun whatsits, and even has a bunch of national flags in case you want to represent your glorious homeland while wrecking scrubs online.
- Golden Nugget (Beta Reward Only)
- 8-Ball
- Blacklight
- Blacklight: Retribution
- Blue Chequered Flag
- Camo Flag
- Chroma
- Dollar Sign
- Edge of Space
- Excalibur
- Fenix Rage
- Gingerbread Man
- Heart
- Horseshoe
- Jolly Roger
- Lightning Bolt
- Loki
- Peace
- Safety Flag
- Saturn
- Shadowgate
- Skull
- Smiley
- Snowman
- Soccer Ball
- Star
- Strike Vector EX
- Sweet Tooth
- Team Fat
- Tennis Ball
- Twitch
- Unreal
- Warframe
- Country Flags: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde Islands, Chile, China, Chinese Taipei, Columbia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Côte d’Ivoire, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemaia, Guinea, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Republic of the Congo, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wales, Yemen
All of these cosmetics unlocks will be available to you through regular play, but there are a lot of them, so go play some matches and start building your collection!
Published: Sep 3, 2015 11:36 AM UTC