Daedric armor is rightfully considered the best armor set in Skyrim. This heavy armor boasts with 144 armor points and has the value of 7,650 gold coins. There are several ways how players can obtain Daedric armor in the game, and our guide will provide you with all the tips on how to craft and find Daedric armor in Skyrim.
Besides powerful protection the full Daedric armor set will increase your chances of intimidating enemies. It also glows red in the dark without affecting the sneaking skill, and resembles the dragon scale even better than the Dragonscale armor itself.
How to Craft and Find Daedric Armor in Skyrim
Daedric Armor Pieces Locations
The easiest way to obtain Daedric armor is to find its pieces in the open world. The pieces of the armor become available only when you reach Level 48. The most common way to obtain armor pieces is to loot defeated revered and legendary dragons.
The two most well-known revered dragons in Skyrim are Naaslaarum and Voslaarum, who can be located at Forgotten Vale, Haafingar (indicated by the red marker on the map above) during the “Touching the Sky” quest, given by Serana vampire.
Legendary dragons are an even rarer breed, but you can meet one such dragon at Arcwind Point, The Rift (indicated by the yellow marker on the map above) after you reach Level 78.
You can also loot the Daedric armor pieces from the boss chests after reaching Level 49, or simply purchase them from Dremora Merchant, who becomes available after you complete the “Black Book: Untold Legends” quest at Apocrypha plane in the Oblivion.
The prices for each Daedric armor piece are the following:
- Daedric Armor: 3,200 gold
- Daedric Boots: 625 gold
- Daedric Gauntlets: 625 gold
- Daedric Helmet: 1,600 gold
- Daedric Shield: 1,600 gold
Crafting Daedric Armor
Daedric armor can be crafted in two ways: through blacksmithing or through conjuring.
If you already work on your smithing skill, then you need to achieve smithing Level 90 and unlock Daedric Smithing perk. Then, you can use the following recipes for crafting Daedric armor set.
Armor Piece | Ebony Ingot | Daedra Heart | Leather Strips |
Daedric Armor | 5 | 1 | 3 |
Daedric Boots | 3 | 1 | 2 |
Daedric Gauntlets | 2 | 1 | 2 |
Daedric Helmet | 3 | 1 | 2 |
Daedric Shield | 4 | 1 | 1 |
You can purchase Ebony ingots from any blacksmith; leather strips can be purchased from merchants and blacksmiths; and Daedra Hearts can be obtained in several ways that are all listed in our guide right here.
In case you wish to conjure Daedric armor, then you need to upgrade your Ritual Spell to Level 90 and create the armor at the Atronage Forge in the College of Winterhold.
Here is the conjuring recipe for Daedric armor:
- 1x Sigil Stone
- 1x Daedra Heart
- 1x Unenchanted Ebony Armor
- 1x Centurion Dynamo Core
- 1x Black Soul Gem
Sigil Stone can be obtained from Phinis Gestor at College of Winterhold once you reach Conjuration Level 90. Go speak to Phinis and you will get a Sigil Stone as a reward for completing “Conjuration Ritual Spell” quest.
You can purchase Unenchanted Ebony Armor from blacksmiths for 3,550 gold, or craft it using 17x Ebony Ingots and 10x Leather Strips. You can also find the pieces of the Ebony Armor at the following locations:
- Sacellum of Boethiah, Eastmarch (during the “Boethiah’s Calling” quest)
- Valthume, The Reach
- Narzulbur, Eastmarch
- Labyrinthian, Hjaalmarch (during the “The Staff of Magnus” quest)
- Forelhost, The Rift
- Angi’s Cam, Falkreath
Centurion Dynamo Cores can be found inside Dwemer ruins and looted from Dwarven Centurions, and sometimes from Dwarven Spheres and Falmer. Here are the locations:
- Aetherium Forge, The Rift
- Arkngthamz, The Reach
- Kagrenzel, Eastmarch
- Shalidor’s Maze, Labyrinthian
- Nchardak, Solstheim
- Mzinchaleft, The Pale
Black Soul Gems can be consistently found inside chests and caves, or dropped by Necromancers, Giants, Hagravens, Forsworn Briarhearts, and Draugrs.
Related guides
- Skyrim Shouts: How to Unlock All Dragon Shouts
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- Skyrim Dragon Locations: Where to Find Dragons
That’s everything you need to know on how to craft and find Daedric armor in Skyrim. For more Skyrim tips and tricks articles, consider clicking the links above.
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Published: Nov 11, 2021 2:14 PM UTC