Chinpokomon are one of the best-remembered parts in the South Park series, and it’s only fitting they get some attention in Stick of Truth.
As you make your way through the quiet little mountain town, you’ll find Chinpokomon in garages, under benches, in the town’s sewers, and.. well, they’re all over the place. With 30 to find, you may have some searching ahead of you.
Unfortunately there are a few missable Chinpokomon that, once you have passed the point they are available, you will no longer be able to obtain. You can avoid this by having a keen eye.
Here they are as they are listed in-game. Sorry they aren’t all found in this image, this is a friend’s screenshot as I am playing the PlayStation 3 version. That said they are labelled.
How to get each Chinpokomon
- Chu Chu Nezumi – Found in a tree just outside your house. Just shoot him down and he’s all yours.
- Furrycat – Found behind a tree just before you cross the train tracks over to Kenny’s house.
- Lambtron – Found in a hanging lantern in the Tower of Peace. You must accept Kr. Kim’s quest to get access to this area.
- Monkay – Found in Butters’s bedroom under the window to the far right.
- Pengin – Found in Cartman’s garage. The key can be found in the shelf/table just inside his house.
- Shoe – Just outside Clyde’s Tower. You can teleport to it using the Alien Probe.
- Accountafish – Can be found in the South Park Gazette building inside an air duct. The key to the Gazette can be found in the Post Office. This cannot be obtained until you have Gnome Dust.
- Vamporko – Found in the basketball court just behind the Community Center. You can get into the basketball court using the Alien Probe.
- Fetuswami – Found in the Unplanned Parenthood building. Blow up the grenade in the dead soldier’s hand to open up a hole in the wall. Use your recently-acquired Gnome Dust to travel through the hole and make your way to Fetuswami.
- Gerbitoad – Located in the sewers to the front and right of Mr. Hankey’s house.
- Gunrilla – Found in the conference room while investigating the ‘Taco Bell’. It is on the left side of the room on top of the blue lockers.
- Gophermon – In the last stall in the Community Center’s bathroom.
- Sna-kat – In a tree behind Father Maxi in front of City Hall.
- Mouse-Tik – Found in the Girls’ Hideout on the left side of the room on the floor.
- Poodlesaurus Rex – When going into school for the first time, shoot the ceiling vent in the hallway leading to the cafeteria and this little bundle of spikes will fall out.
- Roo-stor – Found in storage unit #223. You must get the Chaos Lair Key from Butters’s bedroom.
- Donkeytron – Once you can use the school’s back entrance, make your way to the cafeteria kitchen. Fart on the oven door to blow it open and get Donkeytron.
- Stegmata – Found in Kyle’s garage, the key for which can be found inside the house.
- Fatdactyl – Right on top of the ticket box at the movie theater. Just shoot it down to add this Chonpokomon to your collection.
- Ferasnarf – Found on a shelf in storage unit #221. You can enter this storage unit after you recieve the Wasted Cache quest from Mr. Mackey.
- Pterdaken – Similar to Donkeytron, head upstairs to the second floor once you are able to go back into the school. He can be found in a locker on this floor and must be shot down.
- Biebersaurus – Travel deep in the sewers where you see a Crab Person beating on a drum. A bit to the right, you can use the Bagasaki fart to destroy the glowing bolder and retrieve Biebersaurus to the left. Can only be obtained once you’ve learned the Nagasaki.
- Brocorri – Found in a block of ice in front of the Tower of Peace. Use your Cup-A-Spell fart to explode the lantern next to it and thaw the ice block.
- Velociraptstar – Sitting in the open window at Token’s house. Shoot it down and add it to your collection.
- Flowerpotamus – Located on the back wall of Skeeter’s Bar. Can be shot down.
- Beetlebot – Found on the spaceship in the room with holographic planets in the middle, and several monitors on the right side of the room. Beetlebot is between the monitors on the wall.
- Cosmonewt – Use the Alien Probe at Stark’s Pond to teleport to a UFO underwater and grab Cosmonewt.
- RabbiTech – Found in the evidence room on the second floor of the police station.
- Roidrat – Located in the attic in the Giggling Donkey after you have saved Princess Kenny.
- Terribovine – Located under the bench in front of Tweek Bros. Coffee. You must have the Ghome Dust to obtain this Chinpokomon.
Published: Mar 8, 2014 9:05 PM UTC