Mistwalker’s new mobile strategy game, Terra Battle 2, puts you in charge of a party of diverse characters of varying utility, from throwaway units who mostly just take up space to more helpful combatants who can hit many enemies on the grid at once.
As many of the freemium fantasy combat mobile titles are doing these days, Terra Battle 2 features different rankings of characters and items, ranging from the lowly B to the coveted SS. Spending energy lets you forge pacts to acquire new characters and equipment, but the actual draw of each “pact” will be randomized.
You might draw the short end of the stick and end up with a bunch of B class stuff you already have, or you could luck out and get a ton of S and SS class equipment and characters. It’s a big gamble, especially at the beginning of the game.
But this Terra Battle 2 Re-Rolling Guide will help you come out on top more often than not.
Drawing a B class Hermes
Terra Battle 2 Re-Rolling Cheat
You want the biggest advantage possible right out of the gate so you don’t end up having to spend any real money on in-game transactions. With that in mind, there is a way to cheat the Terra Battle 2 system by re-rolling randomized character and item draws when you first get started.
If you got primarily A and B class items during a draw, or only get a single S class draw, for instance, you might want to start over and try again — even though it is a bit of a pain to do.
After the draw, if you didn’t quite like what you got, switch over to your mobile device’s “Settings” screen, and then choose “Apps” from the list of options. From there, select the “TerraBattle2″ entry so you see a list of options for the app.
Navigating through Android Settings
With the Terra Battle 2 app data showing, tap “Storage,” and then choose “Clear Data.” Confirm you want to clear everything out by tapping “Delete.”
This option clears out all the associated data on your tablet from the app, but doesn’t actually delete the app itself, which is what we want to perform the re-roll. In other words: it’s starting you over with a clean slate without having to go through the trouble of uninstalling and reinstalling manually.
With that out of the way, now switch back to the Terra Battle 2 app and it will be just like the first time you opened the app (but without having to download any updates). Unfortunately, you do have to go through the tutorial again (just skip the opening cinematic) and start the first level, but you will have all your starting bonuses to energy again.
Don’t forget to go to the Achievements screen, because you get extra energy for the sign-in bonus. If you do everything you can to get bonus energy right off the bat, you should have 60 energy stored up, which is enough for two new draws.
This Terra Battle 2 re-rolling process is fairly time-consuming, taking 5-10 minutes, but it’s well worth it if you didn’t get much in the way of good gear or units with your initial draws.
Pulling an SS dagger
Much like rolling your stats in classic RPGs like Baldur’s Gate, you can spend as much time as you want continuously re-rolling over and over until you get exactly what you want. You do get new gear and guardians over the course of playing the game, however, so don’t get lost spending hours on this nonsense!
Hopefully, it only takes a single re-roll for you to get lucky and hit the character jackpot! What’s the best thing you’ve drawn so far in Terra Battle 2, and how many re-rolls did it take? Let us know in the comments section below!
Still trying to get used to the game’s revamped map and combat mechanics? Check out our beginner’s Terra Battle 2 tips and tricks guide here.
Published: Sep 27, 2017 8:37 PM UTC