The WoW: Dragonflight Buried Vault location might be easier to find than to open, depending on what quests you’ve done so far. With a little help from a gentleman elemental, you’ll be able to enter this vault that once belonged to the Black Dragonflight.
Buried Vault Location in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
You can enter the Buried Vault by entering a cave in the southern part of Zaralek Cavern (X:53, Y:75). The south passage will take you to the Buried Vault.

I went to the Buried Vault before completing the quests that open it, so the entrance to the actual area was blocked by crystal and rock for me.
Quest to Get to the Buried Vault
If you have to do the quest like I did, you’ll start with “Medicinal Fungi,” which you can grab from Veritistrasz in Zaralek Cavern (X:40.2, Y:68.4). Keep going with this quest chain, and you’ll end up with “A Room Without a View,” the quest that will take you into the Buried Vault.
Players have run into issues with getting back into the Buried Vault if they leave before completing the quests that take place inside it, leaving them unable to return unless the quests are abandoned and restarted. While I’ve seen that this glitch might’ve been fixed, I still suggest not taking the risk and completing the quests in one trip.
Once the quests are completed, you can return to the Buried Vault as you please since the passage in the tunnel will be opened. For more WoW: Dragonflight guides, explore Zaralek Cavern and find its Dragonriding Glyphs, or learn how to open Dreamer’s Bounty, one of many new treasures added in Patch 10.1.
Published: May 16, 2023 6:32 PM UTC