The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom inventory space is sparse at the start of the game. You won’t have much space for weapons or other items, but it’s not an immediate problem since early game equipment breaks after only a few hits. As you progress and start finding more and better gear, you’ll need to either begin ditching things or take some time to increase your TotK inventory. Here’s how to do it.
How to Expand Inventory Space in Tears of the Kingdom

There’s only one way to increase your gear stashes in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: give Korok Seeds to Hestu, a larger, rotund Korok with a pair of magic maracas.
TotK Hestu Location
You’ll initially find Hestu on a hillside northwest of Lookout Landing. The closest landmarks are the New Serenne Stablejust southeast of Hestu’s hillside and Lindor’s Brow Skyview Tower to his northwest. If you draw a line between those two points of interest, he’s right in the middle of it.

Regardless of which direction you come from, when you do find Hestu, he’ll be “guarded” by a pair of Evermeans, evil trees that will attack you on sight. Defeat both by chopping them down with a bladed weapon, then speak to Hestu.

While he’s here, he’ll increase your various stashes twice for one Korok Seed for the first improvement and two for the second if you choose to improve the same stash twice. After he leaves, he’ll end up at Lookout Landing near the southern entrance, where he’ll stay for a bit longer.

Again, every time you expand a stash, the Korok Seed cost for that particular stash increases by one, then becomes two after a while. You can expand more than a dozen times, so expect to pay more than 20 Korok Seeds for the final upgrades. It was a shock for me the first time I saw how expensive things got and reckoned with how annoying it can be to get Korok Seeds in the first place.
How to Spot Koroks and Get Korok Seeds in Tears of the Kingdom

Like Breath of the Wild, there are literally hundreds of hidden Koroks throughout Hyrule. While some of them are obvious enough, others are secreted away at the far corners, on mountain peaks, and at the ends of the earth. However, you can do a few things to make spotting them a little easier.
- Look for something obviously out of place. Most Koroks are “hiding” in plain sight, but you still have to know what to look for. As you travel throughout Hyrule, look for things that don’t fit the current geography. A collection of rocks in a weird formation, a lone rock in an odd location, an object that has no reason to be where it is — all of these are usually indicative of a Korok.

- Go out to out-of-the-way places. If there’s a mountain or large structure in view, odds are there’s a Korok somewhere on it. Go to the top of every peak, the end of every peninsula, and anywhere else where you’d think there shouldn’t be anything. It’s in those places where Koroks tend to hide.
- Use the map as a guide. As an extension of the above point, use your map to canvas the area around you. If there appears to be a strange area that has no reason to be there, or you’re in a remote area, and there’s a feature that seems out of place, go there, and you just might find a Korok waiting for you.
Once you get a particular Korok Seed, you’ll automatically get a mark on your map in the shape of the Seed so you can keep track of which you’ve found. Also, if you find a Korok under a rock, be sure to drop the rock on the thing’s head at least once. It won’t hurt them, and it’s pretty funny. Helps me get over the frustration of hearing “Ya-ha-ha,” for the seven hundredth time, anyway.
That’s about everything you need to know about how to increase inventory space in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The process is fairly straightforward, even if collecting the Korok Seeds you need is anything but. If you’re looking for more help with the latest Zelda game, check out our guides on how to use the horse towing harness, where to find Tulin, and more in our TotK guides hub.
Published: May 18, 2023 5:53 PM UTC