One of the biggest gaming YouTubers, Boodie2988, also known as Francis was hacked recently. His channel was also closed but not deleted. In a post he made on Reddit, he stated that he was hacked using his phone number.
With his number, the hacker was able to gain access to everything — and Boogie makes a point to say that this has happened before. He wants everyone to know not to trust anything posted by him on any kind of social media until you see a video on his YouTube channel from him stating that he has things under control again.
The guy that did this to Boogie even had the balls to take to Twitter to brag about what he had done. In the comments of this Tweet, “Lurch” says he doesn’t have anything against Boogie or his YouTube channel and will let him have it back in a day or so. What the point of that is is beyond me, honestly.
Just to clear things up no other groups had involvement in this boogie did not quit youtube i closed both channels
— Lurch (@6ET) June 25, 2016
Right now Boogie’s channel looks about the same, except there is no profile picture. Earlier in the day his videos were gone as well — but they have since been restored by YouTube. I hope that Boogie gets this channel back up and running soon. He is such a nice guy and it’s a shame that something like this had to happen to him.
Published: Jun 26, 2016 12:26 AM UTC