Mornveil Tree Bark is needed by Final Fantasy XIV‘s Armorers, Weavers, Carpenters, and Blacksmiths alike to make the new Indagator equipment. Mornveil Tree Bark is exclusively found in Endwalker zone, and is from a timed node for Botanists to take advantage of once a day in Eorzean time.
Our guide will provide you with tips on how to get Mornveil Tree Bark in FFXIV.
FFXIV: How to Get Mornveil Tree Bark
Mornveil Tree Bark can be obtained only at Logging Level 90 at the following coordinates:
- Labyrinthos: The Outer Circuit (x27.9 – y11.6).
Note that Mornveil Tree Bark can be logged only between 4AM and 6AM of in-game time. So come in prepared and don’t waste any time, as you’ll be needing a lot of bark, if you want to craft an entire set of Indagator’s armor and weapons.
What Is Mornveil Tree Bark Used to Craft?
Here is the complete list of all items that can be crafted with the help of Craftsman’s Alkahest, which includes Mornveil Tree Bark:
- Indagator’s Fishing Rod.
- Indagator’s Saw.
- Indagator’s Cross-pein Hammer.
- Indagator’s Raising Hammer.
- Indagator’s Lapidary Hammer.
- Indagator’s Knife.
- Indagator’s Pickaxe.
- Indagator’s Hatchet.
- Indagator’s Alembic.
- Indagator’s Frypan.
- Indagator’s Helmet of Gathering.
- Indagator’s Armguards of Gathering.
- Indagator’s Needle.
- Indagator’s Goggles of Crafting.
- Indagator’s Gloves of Crafting.
- Indagator’s Boots of Crafting.
- Indagator’s Shoes of Gathering.
- Indagator’s Coat of Crafting.
- Indagator’s Doublet Vest of Gathering.
- Indagator’s Trousers of Crafting.
- Indagator’s Bottoms of Gathering.
That’s all you need to know on how to get Mornveil Tree Bark in FFXIV. For more Final Fantasy XIV tips and tricks articles, please visit our dedicated hub page.
Featured image via Square Enix
Published: Jan 18, 2023 1:21 PM UTC