After several very important updates for Minecraft 1.14 that focused on pillagers, the time has come for Mojang to release a final major update for the current version of the game, which focuses mostly on villagers.
The gist is that villagers become a little bit smarter in version 1.14.4, and overall, that makes the game more rounded and much more fun to play. That is why the focus of this month's best Minecraft seeds are villages and villagers.
However, you will find a pillager post here and there, too, if you feel the need to test out your fighting skills.

Seed: 150053938186176
Coordinates: -250, 50
Biomes: Desert, Savanna
Here, you will spawn in an area that is overwhelmingly rich with villages and desert temples. Most villages are mainly located in a savanna biome, but there are a few that can be found near a desert temples as well.
Here are the coordinates of all the villages in this Minecraft seed:
- 200, 550
- 300, 300
- 1350, -700
- 1300, -1200
- 800, -1300
- 1200, -1700
- 1800, -1700
- 1300, -2500
- 1000, -2750
Here are the coordinates for all desert temples:
- 200, -300
- 500, -400
- 1250, -1250
- 600, -1250
- 700, -1850
- 1650, -2250
- 2350, -2400
- 2350, -2800

Seed: 455332135865428
Coordinates: 50, 50
Biomes: Mesa, Desert
In this seed, you will spawn on the southern border of a mesa biome. At coordinates 300, 300, you will find a village and a desert temple standing at the foot of some snowy extreme hills. An unusual sight, to say the least!
Be sure to check out the chests inside the temple for the following items:
- 1x golden apple
- 1x iron horse armor
- 4x gold ingot
- 6x iron ingot

Seed: -286799422758250
Coordinates: -150, 50
Biomes: Ice Plains
Here, you will spawn near a snow village at coordinates -300, -150. It has access to the flower forest in the north, and if you go to the south, you will find another village at coordinates -400, 200.
This one has a blacksmith and an igloo with a secret underground basement. The chest inside the basement contains a golden apple.

Seed: 574021023103567650
Coordinates: 50, 50
Biomes: Desert, Ocean
This seed has a desert temple and buried treasure at spawn! You will see the temple right behind you, but it will be hard for you to find buried chests if you don't follow these coordinates:
- 41, -23
- -343, 137
- 313, 297
All in all, you will find a lot of loot from all the chests in this Minecraft seed, such as:
- 2x golden apple
- 1x diamond
- 14x emerald
- 9x gold ingot
- 11x iron ingot
- Enchanted Book — Aqua Affinity

Seed: -244216322697304
Coordinates: 50, 50
Biomes: Ocean
Here, you will spawn in a forest area to the north of the ocean biome that hosts several small survival islands.
One of them accommodates a fairly big village at coordinates -500, 650. There is no blacksmith on the island, but you will find a complete set of leather gear in one of the houses.

Seed: -649710042456276433
Coordinates: 250, 250
Biomes: Roofed Forest
Here, you will spawn in a forest biome; go north to coordinates 350, -800 and find a massive four-story woodland mansion standing right next to a pillager post.
Inside the mansion, there is a hidden stairwell at coordinates 383, 70, -848. It has a treasure chest and contains:
- 1x golden apple
- 3x redstone dust
But be careful: the stairwell is guarded by the skeleton mob.

Seed: 765003232810084677
Coordinates: -200, 250
Biomes: Ocean
This seed has a double ocean monument at spawn! You will see both structures just off the coast to your north at coordinates 130, 120 and 220, -150.
There are also two shipwrecks between the two temples, one of which contains some enchanted gear.
If you travel to the south (from the spawn point), then you'll also find two plains villages at coordinates -750, 850 and -750, 1050.

Seed: -104500552382714
Coordinates: 300, -300
Biomes: Plains, Forest
In this seed, you will spawn right next to a tiny forest village, which has a whole slew of floating islands in the background.
Then, travel to coordinates -300, -400 and -450, 700, where you will find two more villages. The first one is located near a river, while the other one stands at the foot of the mountain.
One of the houses stands right on top of the hill overlooking the entire area.

Seed: 437652834384823839
Coordinates: 200, 250
Biomes: Plains
Here, you will spawn near a village with not one, but two blacksmiths. Both of them have chests with some worthy loot:
- 1x golden horse armor
- 3x gold ingot
- 5x iron ingot
- 1x iron chestplate
Then, head to the north to coordinates 1365, -430. Start digging right there and soon you will arrive at a stronghold. One of the tunnels will lead you to a library that hovers above a massive pool of lava.

Seed: -472303188237756
Coordinates: 250, 250
Biomes: Bamboo Jungle
This one will see have you spawn on the border of a bamboo forest biome and an extreme hills biome. It's a rather small jungle, but nevertheless, it hosts two temples at coordinates 200, 250 and -300, 600.
The loot inside both of these pyramids is really good, and you can get it all rather quickly:
- 2x diamond
- 1x diamond horse armor
- 13x gold ingot
- 7x iron ingot

Seed: 2096744289
Coordinates: -250, 250
Biomes: Plains, Extreme Hills
In this one, you will start your journey near a tiny village that has a blacksmith at coordinates -450, 300. The chest inside the smith's shop contains:
- 1x iron horse armor
- 1x horse saddle
- 3x obsidian
Then, travel to coordinates -200, 850 for another village that stands near extreme hills with several floating islands.
Seed: -470438642648319871
Coordinates: -170, 100
Biomes: Ice Plains
This seed has an igloo and snow village at spawn! These two structures rarely appear so close to each other, but here, they are both readily available as soon as you spawn.
The igloo also has an underground chamber with a treasure chest that contains a golden apple.

Seed: -306177507228729
Coordinates: -200, -100
Biomes: Plains, Desert, Jungle
You will notice a plains village standing near a desert temple north of the spawn point. As always, there are four chests inside the pyramid with some good loot:
- 1x golden apple
- 1x diamond
- 2x iron horse armor
- 7x gold ingot
- Enchanted Book — Respiration III
Then, travel to the west and enter the jungle biome. There are two jungle temples around this area at the following coordinates:
- -1300, -750
- -1300, -1150

Seed: 10786487864516272
Coordinates: 200, 150
Biomes: Roofed Forest, Plains
Here, you will find a woodland mansion standing on the ravine at coordinates 750, -450; it's not too far away from the spawn point.
You can open a chest on the balcony inside the building at coordinates 742, 82, -406:
- 1x enchanted golden apple
- 2x redstone dust
- Enchanted Book - Bane of Arthropods V
Further to the south, you will also see two small villages standing at coordinates 1250, 50 and 750, 200.

Seed: -177531443838356510
Coordinates: 100, -200
Biomes: Jungle, Plains
This seed has a Pillager post at spawn! Note that it stands on the border of a jungle biome that has a pyramid with treasures at coordinates -250, -1200. The chest inside the temple contains three diamonds and golden horse armor.
If you can beat the pillagers, you can extract a crossbow from their chest, which is one of the best weapons you can get in the game.
Seed: -457978245398436075
Coordinates: 50, -200
Biomes: Savanna, Desert
Here, you will spawn near a small savanna village at coordinates 10, 170. From there, you can go in two directions: west and east.
If you go to the west, you'll find a buried treasure chest at coordinates -55, 265 that contains the Heart of the Sea.
But if you go to the east, you will be able to dig up a buried desert temple at coordinates 350, 150:
- 6x emerald
- 1x golden horse armor
- 1x iron horse armor
- 7x gold ingot
- 12x iron ingot

Seed: -61530528375903032
Coordinates: 50, 250
Biomes: Roofed Forest
Here, you will spawn on the ocean shore of a taiga biome. Afterward, go west. At coordinates -850, 500, you will see a woodland mansion standing next to a small village across the river.
If you follow the river to the north, you will arrive at another village at coordinates -950, 300. This one is slightly bigger and stands on a much bigger plains biome patch.

Seed: 552821126803777
Coordinates: 250, -250
Biomes: Savanna, Desert
This seed has five villages and three desert temples at spawn! There is also a pillager post near the first village. Here are the coordinates to all five villages:
- 120, -250
- -450, -450
- -200, 50
- 200, 100
- -200, -1000
The desert temples are connected to the villages, so use the same coordinates to find them, too!

Seed: 632921931052155
Coordinates: 250, 250
Biomes: Ice Plains, Mesa
Here, you will spawn south of two biomes that rarely appear so close to each other. One is dry and hot, while the other is cold and wet.
At coordinates -1400, -400, you will find a small snow village with only a few wooden houses. But it is more than enough to start a new survival game.

Seed: 292966824026448
Coordinates: 50, 250
Biomes: Bamboo Jungle
In this one, you will spawn in a bamboo jungle biome near a couple of jungle pyramids. The coordinates to both of the temples are 650, 200 and -350, -400.
If you collect loot from all four treasure chests, you will end up with:
- 3x diamond
- 6x gold ingot
- 1x iron ingot
For more Minecraft 1.14 seeds, check out the list below:
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seed fo September 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for July 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for June 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for May 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for April 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for March 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for February 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for January 2019
- The Best Jungle Biome Seeds for 2019
- Best Seeds for Lazy People
- Massive Seeds Master List
Published: Jun 23, 2024 07:43 am