I've searched through Planet Minecraft looking for builds that are amazing that truly show off what Minecraft can do. I would have to say this Hogwarts Castle takes the Harry Potter cake! Not only does it look impeccable, but it's an exact replica.

From side-to-side you'll be able to see all of the detail done for this Hogwarts Castle rendition. The towers are perfectly done, and they look darn well amazing! Not to mention the windows have great detailing that gives it that special touch.

Detail all the way down to Hagrid's hut on the border of the Forbidden Forest. The pumpkin patch looks amazing, and so does the web smoking fireplace.

With this aerial view you'll be able to see all the nooks and crannies that the builder has made. Just by looking I can clearly see the green house, common room area, great hall, the bridge, and the black lake that surrounds it. Let's hope the giant squid doesn't get you while playing!

When you can take something as realistic as this and create it with blocks on Minecraft, I am quite impressed. I wouldn't have the skills in a million years to do this in Minecraft, and I commend those who do. Such detail can be hard to accomplish, and they do it quite well.
The builders who made the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry off of J.K Rowling's amazing books uploaded this wonderful video to YouTube. All credit given to CityCraft Build, and their amazing concepts.
Just imagine how amazing this would look with all the new things Minecraft has updated with, including stained glass, darker wood, and quartz. I can't wait to see if this is edited or re-made to accommodate the blocks Minecraft has provided.
Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry - CityCraft Build
Published: Nov 16, 2013 12:08 am