Old Yharnam has someone watching you, anxiously awaiting your very presence within his grasp. There’s a very annoying camper in the Clocktower. This mofo is armed with a powerful gatling gun. His aim knows no bounds, so beware good hunter.
If you’re in need, make sure to look here for tips and guides on your journey.
The enemy is also a hunter named Djura (an optional “boss”) and quite a formidable foe. Like you, he has the ability to use Blood Vials to heal himself.
To be or not to be… friends
If you want him as an ally:
Approach Djura after killing the Darkbeast Paarl, the sixth boss. He’ll acknowledge you as a man/woman of the cloth and will not engage you in combat. You’ll have to go to him by waking up at the Graveyard of the Darkbeast. You then must approach him without him being able to fire at you.
You can also make your way to Djura from the Church of the Good Chalice lamp post, which is unlocked after killing the Blood-starved Beast, the fifth boss.You can now speak with him.
You’re given the option to either spare or hunt the beasts he’s protecting. If you choose to spare them, he’ll not only reward you with the badge you’d receive for killing him, but also give you the “Brush Off Dust” Gesture.
This video above demonstrates what to do and how to get there, courtesy of Hieu Niar.
As an enemy:
Once he’s killed, you’ll earn Blood Echoes and the Powder Keg Hunter Badge. The Rifle Spear and Stake Driver will then become available for purchase within the Hunter’s Dream.
If you decide to kill him, your only option is to corner him on the roof of the Clock Tower to go all “King Leonidas.”
Knock him off the roof!
Of course, you’ll need to ascend the ladders to reach him. Make sure to choose wisely. Djura the Hunter is a very skilled opponent with a fantastic vantage point.
Make sure to look here for more tips and guides on your journey. Hope this helps, and as always, happy hunting!
Published: Mar 28, 2015 4:57 AM UTC